Yaël Braun-Pivet, the President of the National Assembly, voiced concerns about the government’s plan to reduce the duration of unemployment benefits in order to save money. She emphasized the need to evaluate the previous reform before making any drastic changes. Braun-Pivet, who aligns herself with the left of the political spectrum, warned against altering important parameters of the legislation without proper assessment. She highlighted that addressing unemployment is a complex issue that cannot be solved simply by cutting the duration of benefits.

Braun-Pivet also called for an “exceptional tax” to be imposed on superprofits or superdividends in order to generate additional revenue, especially considering the record public deficit of 5.5% in 2023. She argued that any financial sacrifices required from the public should be distributed equitably and fairly. She pointed out that any decision to exceed the planned 10 billion euros in savings for 2024 would need to be approved by Parliament through a supplementary budget proposal. This statement comes in response to Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s announcement of intentions to further reform the unemployment insurance system by reducing the duration of benefits.

Attal had proposed cutting several months from the current 18-month duration of benefits for those under 53 years old, with a minimum threshold of 12 months. The government has the authority to implement such changes in the unemployment insurance system without parliamentary approval. Instead, they must engage in negotiations with social partners through a specific framework and can resort to decrees if no agreement is reached. This approach has raised concerns among politicians like Braun-Pivet, who argue for a more cautious and thorough evaluation of the impacts of previous reforms before introducing new changes.

The President of the National Assembly reiterated the importance of considering the broader implications of policies aimed at reducing unemployment. She emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach that takes into account the complexities of the issue, rather than relying solely on short-term measures. Braun-Pivet’s stance reflects a broader debate within the government about the most effective strategies for addressing economic challenges while ensuring social justice and fairness in the distribution of financial burdens. Her calls for a more balanced and inclusive approach to policy-making highlight the need for careful deliberation and consideration of all stakeholders’ interests.

The ongoing discussions and debates within the government and among political leaders highlight the complexities and challenges involved in reforming the unemployment insurance system. Braun-Pivet’s emphasis on evaluating the impacts of previous reforms and ensuring that any new measures are implemented fairly and equitably underscores the importance of thorough analysis and consideration in policymaking processes. As the government considers further changes to address economic challenges and reduce public spending, the voices of leaders like Braun-Pivet play a crucial role in advocating for a balanced, inclusive, and socially just approach to policy development and implementation.

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