In a viral TikTok video, content creator Chloe Van Berkel introduced the idea of the “October Theory,” suggesting that October is a time for reflection and personal transformation, likening it to a second New Year’s celebration. She stated that October offers an opportunity to make significant life changes and decisions. Other creators on TikTok have also embraced the concept of October as a time for improvement and self-development, with some referring to it as a “mini January” or a season of “crazy plot twists” in life. Influencer Izzy Utterson described October as a springboard for a 90-day “glow up,” highlighting the potential for growth and progress during this time.

Psychotherapist and On Par Therapy founder Brianna Paruolo suggested that the autumn season naturally encourages transformation, drawing parallels between the changing leaves and the idea of letting go to embrace new beginnings. Paruolo also noted that it typically takes around 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic, making the 90-day period from October to January an ideal timeframe for establishing new habits and seeing positive results. This perspective aligns with the belief that October serves as a gateway to personal growth and self-improvement.

Psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman emphasized the significance of October as a time of endings and new beginnings, comparing it to the shedding of old habits and the cultivation of new aspects of oneself. Honigman suggested that making positive changes in October can lead to new opportunities and better outcomes, such as leaving a negative job or relationship to make room for more fulfilling experiences. The astrological context of October, following the fall equinox and the shift in daylight hours, adds to the sense of transition and transformation during this period.

Overall, the “October Theory” celebrated by TikTok creators reflects a collective belief in the potential for personal growth and change during the autumn month. The shift in seasons, cultural rhythms, and astrological influences align to create an environment conducive to reflection, goal-setting, and self-improvement. By viewing October as a second chance for renewal and transformation, individuals are encouraged to set goals, establish new habits, and make positive life changes. This mindset supports the idea that October is more than just a month on the calendar; it is a powerful catalyst for inner growth, self-discovery, and meaningful progress.

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