Venus, the planet of love, intimacy, wealth, and worth, is named after the Roman goddess of love and fertility. Etymologically, Venus derives from the Latin word for desire, which means that the planet influences what we are drawn to, who and what we attract, and how we dress. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra, governing aspects of assets and attraction, and informing our romantic relationships and relationship to the material realm. Venus changes signs every 20-45 days, impacting how we collectively approach love, pleasure, aesthetics, and money. Utilizing a birth chart calculator can help you find your Venus sign, offering crucial insights into your behavior in relationships.

Individuals with Venus in Aries crave passion and action in their love lives, preferring impulsive and bold partners. Venus in Taurus signifies a priority on security, stability, and comfort, with a slow pace in courtship and a love of affection and gift-giving. Venus in Gemini emphasizes communication and intellectual connections, leading to engaging conversations and a preference for variety and spontaneity in relationships. Venus in Cancer values security and commitment, nurturing and loyal, but taking time to open up and be vulnerable. Venus in Leo desires grand romance and admiration, showing a preference for vibrant and enthusiastic courtship.

Venus in Virgo offers a practical and analytical approach to relationships, taking time to trust and be vulnerable while seeking partners they can improve or “save.” Individuals with Venus in Libra are true romantics who seek peace, balance, and harmony in relationships, although they may struggle with passivity or codependency. Venus in Scorpio requires intense passion and intimacy, often leading to possessiveness and a desire for transformative, magnetic connections. Venus in Sagittarius values adventure and freedom, seeking expansive love and avoiding anything that inhibits them.

Venus in Capricorn focuses on commitment, longevity, and the material value of relationships, looking for partners who can provide financial stability and help them reach their goals. Venus in Aquarius prioritizes intellectual connections and may seem detached, exploring non-traditional relationships and novel experiences. Venus in Pisces is exalted, blessing individuals with a deeply sensitive, creative, and romantic heart, while feeling deeply influenced by emotions and prone to diving into fantasy. Astrologers like Reda Wigle and Kyle Thomas provide insight into the impact of planetary configurations on each zodiac sign, integrating history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience into their horoscopes.

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