Apple will be holding its Glowtime event on Monday, where it is expected to announce the iPhone 16 and Apple Watch X (Series 10). However, the spotlight may be on Apple Intelligence, as it made waves at the WWDC keynote in June. Apple’s push for generative AI across its multiple operating systems has already begun, with Apple Intelligence being opened up for public testing in developer beta form. Features such as AI-powered writing tools, Siri enhancements, and photo library-connected requests are available in the latest developer beta for iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS, but the full release is set for later this fall for a subset of devices with the necessary chipsets.

Apple Intelligence is currently in beta within the beta versions of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and MacOS Sequoia 15.1 for developers, while the public beta currently available on iPhones, Macs, and iPads is based on previous versions. The developer beta includes AI-suggested writing tools, photo tools, new Siri features, instant movie memory requests, and AI summaries in various apps. However, not all promised features such as ChatGPT plug-ins and GenMoji are available yet. The settings feature in the developer beta allows users to opt into Apple Intelligence features for testing, but it is unclear if the public release later this year will have a similar opt-in process.

Despite the exciting AI features that Apple is introducing, the limited rollout of Apple Intelligence to only certain iPhones, iPads, and Macs later this year means that not everyone will be able to use it. The specific capabilities of Apple Intelligence are still somewhat mysterious, but the promise of AI helping with writing, productivity, and personal expression sounds intriguing. The idea is that Apple Intelligence will use personal context across your Apple devices to offer tailored recommendations and generate results specific to you, all while maintaining a high level of privacy.

Apple Intelligence is currently available in beta on the iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max, as well as on iPads and Macs with M1 chips or later. The public release is expected this fall as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and MacOS Sequoia. It will work on devices with Siri and device language set to US English, with support for additional languages coming in 2025. Apple Intelligence is not using ChatGPT, but it does support third-party AI services, with ChatGPT being the first one announced. Tools for writing, images, and Siri will be among the main features of Apple Intelligence, allowing for a range of AI-driven capabilities to enhance user experience.

The pricing for Apple Intelligence has not been announced, and there are no plans to charge for it at this time. The focus seems to be on delivering a wide range of AI features to iPhone, iPad, and Mac users to improve productivity, creativity, and personal expression. With the public release of Apple Intelligence set for later this year, users can look forward to exploring the new AI capabilities on their compatible devices. Apple’s commitment to privacy and personalized AI experiences aims to set a new standard in the industry and provide users with innovative tools for everyday tasks.

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