Rosy Palma, a travel influencer known as @travelercolombia, went viral after sharing her experience traveling through Hacaritama Airport in Colombia. She posted a TikTok video showcasing the simplicity and beauty of the airport, which is one of the smallest in the world. The video highlights the outdoor waiting area with rows of seats, a table stocked with Colombian pastries and snacks, and the process of self-checking luggage in the small indoor waiting area before being ushered back outside to wait for boarding.

Palma guides viewers through the airport, showing them the outdoor waiting area with passengers waiting to be called into the second waiting room, and the runway for the planes. She also shows the indoor waiting area where passengers are directed to before boarding the flight. Despite the small size of the airport and the limited amenities like only one restroom for everyone, Palma notes that the experience was comfortable and enjoyable, especially since her flight only carried 48 passengers.

Hacaritama Airport is the only airport in Aguachica, Colombia, and exclusively services flights to El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá with SATENA Airlines. The small airstrip handles small ATR aircraft that typically only carry under 50 passengers. Flights to Bogotá are available on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, making it a limited service for those wanting to travel to the big city. Despite the limited schedule and small size, Palma found the experience at Hacaritama Airport to be pleasant and domestic in nature.

The atmosphere at Hacaritama Airport is described as simple and laid-back, with passengers casually shuffling on board their flights and enjoying the comfortable seating despite the small size of the planes. The airport’s domestic feel and the minimalistic approach to travel make it a unique experience for travelers who are used to larger, busier airports. Palma’s viral video highlights the charm of this tiny airport and showcases the beauty in the simplicity of travel through Hacaritama.

The video posted by Rosy Palma captures the essence of traveling through Hacaritama Airport, from the outdoor waiting area and self-checking luggage process to the limited amenities and small aircraft used for flights. Palma’s goal in sharing her experience was to show the beauty in simplicity and showcase the domestic feel of this tiny airport in Colombia. Despite its size and limited schedule, Hacaritama Airport offers a unique and charming travel experience for those looking to explore the beauty of Colombia from a different perspective.

Overall, Rosy Palma’s viral video of her journey through Hacaritama Airport sheds light on the uniqueness of traveling through one of the world’s tiniest airports. The video highlights the simplicity and beauty of the airport, showcasing the domestic feel and laid-back atmosphere that sets it apart from larger, busier airports. Despite its size and limited services, Hacaritama Airport offers a charming and comfortable travel experience for passengers looking to explore Colombia from a different perspective.

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