The story of McDonald’s begins years before the opening of the first franchise in Des Plaines, Illinois in 1955. Originally a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California called McDonald’s Bar-B-Q, the restaurant was famous for hot dogs and potato chips before transitioning to burgers, french fries, and milkshakes in the late 1940s. This efficiency impressed Ray Kroc, a milkshake machine salesman, who saw the potential for expansion and standardized practices that would be followed by McDonald’s for decades.

Before Ray Kroc stepped in to expand McDonald’s, the price of a burger was a mere 15 cents in 1948. According to historical records, McDonald’s sold over 15 million burgers in Southern California by 1955. The brand eventually hit the 300 billion mark, showcasing the immense popularity and growth of the fast-food chain over the years. The efficiency and standardized methods that Kroc implemented helped pave the way for McDonald’s success as it became a global phenomenon.

Jim Delligatti, a McDonald’s franchisee in Pennsylvania, is credited with inventing the Big Mac in 1967. The iconic burger, featuring two beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame-seed bun, was first tested in one of Delligatti’s restaurants before being released nationwide a year later. An employee in the advertising department named Esther Glickstein Rose is said to have come up with the name ‘Big Mac’ during a board meeting in 1967, a name that has become synonymous with McDonald’s.

Despite its reputation for being unhealthy, a plain McDonald’s hamburger is actually a good source of protein, providing 25% of the daily value in protein with just 250 calories. Every second, approximately 75 McDonald’s hamburgers were sold in 2013, reflecting the fast-paced nature of the chain and its popularity among consumers. Happy Meals, a popular menu item for children, used to be known as ‘Menu Ronald’ and initially included desserts before being modified to include toys.

In 1979, Happy Meals were introduced to the menu, featuring a circus-themed box and toy. Over the years, the meal’s offerings have evolved to include various themes and toys, with a renewed focus on sustainability in recent years. In 2021, McDonald’s announced plans to manufacture their toys from renewable, recycled, or certified materials to align with their environmental goals. Despite its humble beginnings and evolving menu, McDonald’s has maintained its status as a global fast-food giant with a wide range of offerings and a loyal customer base.

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