The Royal Malaysia Police has launched an investigation against UMNO youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh after two reports were filed against him related to the controversy surrounding convenience store chain KK Super Mart selling socks with the word “Allah”. Dr Akmal is being investigated under the Sedition Act and the Communications and Multimedia Act for his role in calling for a boycott of the store. His strong stance against KK Super Mart has led to calls for his arrest by some public figures, including a government minister who accused him of inciting racial and religious tensions.

KK Super Mart came under fire in March after images of the “Allah” socks went viral online, resulting in widespread backlash from netizens, politicians, and calls for a boycott. The store’s founder and his wife, as well as three officials from the vendor company that supplied the socks, have been charged with intentionally hurting the religious sentiments of the country’s predominantly Muslim population. The police have indicated that the case will be referred to the Attorney General’s Chambers once the investigation is completed.

Dr Akmal was reportedly detained in Kota Kinabalu in Sabah and subsequently released after giving a statement to the authorities regarding a seditious speech he made in Kelantan. Despite warnings from Malaysia’s king to not prolong the issue, Dr Akmal has continued to advocate for the boycott against KK Super Mart. The king met with the store’s founder, who apologized for the controversy surrounding the socks, but Dr Akmal remains steadfast in his position.

In the midst of the controversy, there have been reports of multiple incidents involving petrol bombs being thrown at various KK Super Mart outlets, including in Sarawak. The situation remains tense as the police investigate the incidents and work to resolve the issues surrounding the sale of the controversial socks. Dr Akmal’s detention and subsequent release, as well as his continued calls for the boycott, have further fueled the debate surrounding the issue and raised concerns about the impact of his actions on religious and racial harmony in the country.

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