Russia’s counteroffensive to regain Ukrainian-held territory in the Kursk region has been halted, according to a spokesperson from Ukraine’s military administration in the region. While the Defense Ministry of Russia claimed to have retaken several villages in the Kursk region, Ukrainian forces were able to stop the attack and stabilize the situation. However, the spokesperson admitted that Russian forces had some minor success, including entering a settlement and starting to fight for another one. There are reports of several thousand Russian civilians in areas occupied by Ukrainian troops, with some settlements having hundreds of people.

The conflict in the Kursk region has resulted in the displacement of over 150,000 people living in communities near the border. The Russian strikes in an attempt to reclaim territory have reportedly killed 23 civilians since the end of August. Civilians in these areas are not allowed to leave, but they are permitted to move around, visit each other, and engage in activities like farming and gardening. The spokesperson mentioned the possibility of a green corridor being opened under the supervision of observers from international organizations, allowing civilians to leave for Russian-controlled territory.

Kyiv has requested the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to observe the situation in areas of Russia’s Kursk region controlled by Ukrainian forces. Food is being brought into these areas from the Sumy region of Ukraine, with the Sumy regional administration providing funds for bread, the armed forces supplying water, and food packages being distributed by the administration. The spokesperson noted that there are no functioning shops or pharmacies in the areas under Ukrainian control in the Kursk region.

The situation in the Kursk region remains tense, with both Ukrainian and Russian forces engaging in combat and civilians caught in the middle of the conflict. Russian attempts to retake territory have been met with resistance from Ukrainian forces, resulting in casualties on both sides. The displacement of thousands of people in communities near the border has created a humanitarian crisis, with food and basic necessities being provided by various organizations. The possibility of a green corridor being established for civilians to leave for Russian-controlled territory is being discussed, but there are challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome before such a move can be implemented.

Efforts to bring peace and stability to the Kursk region are ongoing, with international organizations being called upon to observe the situation and provide assistance where needed. The involvement of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross is crucial in ensuring the protection of civilians and the provision of humanitarian aid in the conflict-affected areas. The situation on the ground is complex, with both military and civilian populations facing hardships and challenges as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues. It is important for all parties involved to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians and work towards finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Kursk region.

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