German prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diver named Volodymyr Z. believed to be involved in the 2022 Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion. The warrant was issued in June, with his last known address in Poland. Polish authorities confirmed the warrant but were unable to detain him as he had already left Polish territory by crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border. German investigators suspect that Volodymyr Z. was one of the divers who planted explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines, along with two other Ukrainians.

Volodymyr Zhuravlyov, who is 44 years old, is suspected of anti-constitutional sabotage and causing an explosion on the Nord Stream pipelines. The Russian Telegram channel Shot claimed that Zhuravlyov had previously served in the Ukrainian army and tried to obtain a Russian passport in 2009. German investigators have identified two other Ukrainians, a man and a woman, who they believe were also involved in the pipeline attack, but no arrest warrants have been issued for them yet. The pipelines had been a focal point of geopolitical tensions as Russia was suspected of cutting gas supplies to Europe as retaliation for Western sanctions.

In September 2022, four major gas leaks were discovered on the Nord Stream pipelines near the Danish island of Bornholm, which were under investigation by Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Seismic institutes recorded two underwater explosions shortly before the leaks were detected. Although the pipelines were not operational at the time of the explosions, they still contained gas which leaked into the water and atmosphere. The leaks occurred in international waters, with two within Denmark’s exclusive economic zone and two in Sweden’s.

The Russian Telegram channel Shot claimed that Zhuravlyov had previously served in the Ukrainian army and had unsuccessfully tried to get a Russian passport in 2009. The Nord Stream pipelines had been a focal point of geopolitical tensions, with Russia suspected of cutting gas supplies to Europe in retaliation for Western sanctions imposed over its invasion of Ukraine. Investigations into the explosions were conducted by Denmark, Sweden, and Germany, with Denmark and Sweden closing their investigations earlier this year. German prosecutors believe that Volodymyr Z. along with two other Ukrainians were divers involved in the sabotage attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

German investigations suspect that Volodymyr Z. was one of the divers who planted explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines, leading to gas leaks and explosions in September 2022. Volodymyr Zhuravlyov, the man identified as the suspect, is believed to have been involved in anti-constitutional sabotage and causing an explosion on the pipelines. Two other Ukrainians, a man, and a woman, are also believed to have been part of the attack, but no arrest warrants have been issued for them yet. The investigators are linking the attack on the pipelines to geopolitical tensions involving Russia and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions in 2022 near the Danish island of Bornholm led to investigations by Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Seismic institutes recorded two underwater explosions shortly before major gas leaks were discovered. While the pipelines were not operational at the time of the explosions, gas still leaked into the water and atmosphere. The pipelines had been the center of tensions due to suspicions of Russia cutting gas supplies to Europe in retaliation for Western sanctions. Denmark, Sweden, and Germany investigated the explosions, with Denmark and Sweden closing their investigations earlier this year. The man suspected of involvement, Volodymyr Zhuravlyov, had been a Ukrainian diver who was allegedly part of the sabotage attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.

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