In recent news from Ukraine, investigative journalist Yevhenii Shulhat was targeted for military draft as retaliation for his work investigating authorities. This incident occurred after the Security Service of Ukraine was caught spying on another media outlet, leading to the firing of employees involved. Shulhat’s investigation focused on Illia Vitiuk, the cybersecurity chief of the SBU, whose wife was found to be making significant earnings after his appointment. The journalist recorded his encounter with enlistment office employees who tried to give him a mobilization summons, linking the incident to his investigation. This retaliation has raised concerns about press freedom in Ukraine, especially with similar incidents involving other journalists facing pressure from the SBU.
Slidstvo.Info, the journalism outlet, published a video of the encounter between Shulhat and the uniformed men from the enlistment office on their YouTube channel. The footage showed the men accusing Shulhat of violating military register rules and attempting to give him a draft summons. Shulhat questioned them about their motives, suspecting a connection to his investigation into Vitiuk. The employees denied this but left after noting Shulhat’s rejection of the summons. The video also revealed a man in plain clothes accompanying the uniformed men who was identified as an SBU employee by Slidstvo.Info. This incident is seen as revenge for the investigative journalism work done by Shulhat and the outlet.
Prior to the incident, Vitiuk had raised concerns about a disinformation attack being planned against him, suggesting Russian hackers could manipulate data to discredit Ukrainian officials. This situation adds to the existing tension between journalists and the SBU, with another outlet, Bihus.Info, also reporting illegal surveillance by the agency. The Ukrainian journalistic community and international observers have criticized such actions, highlighting the need to protect press freedom. The targeting of journalists by security agencies raises alarms about the safety and independence of media in the country, calling for greater accountability and respect for journalistic endeavors.
The broader context of attacks on Ukrainian journalists includes incidents of threatening home visits and covert surveillance, leading to a pattern of harassment against independent media outlets. These campaigns aim to discredit and intimidate journalists who investigate corruption and government activities, further eroding press freedom in the country. The international community has voiced concerns about the safety and security of journalists in Ukraine, urging authorities to ensure their protection and uphold the principles of free speech and investigative journalism. The ongoing challenges faced by journalists in Ukraine highlight the critical role of independent media in exposing wrongdoing and holding those in power accountable.
As the situation unfolds, support for independent journalism in Ukraine becomes crucial to safeguarding the rights and safety of journalists who face threats and reprisals for their work. Advocates for press freedom emphasize the importance of upholding democratic values and protecting the essential role of journalists in a free society. By standing in solidarity with journalists like Yevhenii Shulhat and supporting media outlets like Slidstvo.Info, individuals can contribute to the fight for independent journalism and press freedom in Ukraine. It is essential to hold accountable those who target journalists and undermine the integrity of the media, ensuring that investigative reporting can continue to serve as a check on power and promote transparency and accountability in society.