Ukrainian hackers, possibly linked to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), have reportedly destroyed a data center that was being used by Russian military, energy, and telecommunications industries. The center,, stored data for more than 10,000 entities involved in various sectors in Russia, including oil and gas production, metallurgical and aerospace industries, and major telecommunication giants such as Gazprom and Rosneft. The operation to destroy the data center was carried out by the Ukrainian hacker group Blackjack and the cybersecurity department of the SBU. The attack was seen as retaliation for a January hack of the Ukrainian Parkovyi data center. The sources claim that over 300 terabytes of data were destroyed in the cyberattack.

The Ukrainian military intelligence has been actively involved in repelling cyberattacks since the full-scale war began in 2022. One of the most destructive cyberattacks was reported in December 2023 when Russian intelligence-linked hackers targeted Kyivstar, Ukraine’s leading telecommunications provider. The cyber specialists from the Ukrainian HUR reportedly obtained orders, reports, instructions, and other sensitive information from about 2,000 structural units of the Russian security service. The ongoing cyberwar between Russia and Ukraine highlights the importance of cybersecurity in modern warfare and the role of hackers in disrupting enemy operations.

The attack on the data center is seen as a significant blow to the Russian military and industrial complex, as it housed crucial internal documents, backup copies, and programs used to manage production at various enterprises. The message left by the Blackjack hacker group on the center’s website indicated that the destruction of the IT infrastructure was a targeted operation against entities working in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry. The extent of the damage caused by the cyberattack is still being assessed, but the sources claim that 400 virtual and 42 physical servers were destroyed in the operation.

The escalation of cyberattacks between Russia and Ukraine underscores the importance of cybersecurity measures in protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data. The SBU’s cybersecurity chief, Illia Vitiuk, reported that the SBU had repelled almost 10,000 cyberattacks since the outbreak of the war. The cyber domain has become a key battleground in modern conflicts, with hackers playing a crucial role in disrupting enemy communication and operations. The destruction of the data center demonstrates the capabilities of Ukrainian hackers and their ability to launch targeted cyberattacks on key Russian industries.

The cyberwar between Russia and Ukraine is ongoing, with both sides using sophisticated techniques to gain an advantage in the conflict. The attack on the data center by Ukrainian hackers is just one example of the tactics being employed in the cyber domain. As the war continues, cybersecurity will play an increasingly important role in safeguarding critical infrastructure and preventing further data breaches. The involvement of hacker groups like Blackjack highlights the unconventional methods being used in modern warfare and the impact of cyber operations on traditional military tactics. Support for independent journalism in Ukraine is crucial in shedding light on these cyber incidents and their implications for the conflict.

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