In an interview with Oksana Markarova, the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S., that aired on May 19, 2024, Markarova discussed her recent meeting with Secretary Blinken in Kyiv. She mentioned that the discussions were very candid and productive, focusing on the strategic friendship between the two countries and how to best utilize the funds provided by Congress, including a 2 billion announcement of FMF support that could be used for joint production with Ukraine. Markarova expressed appreciation for Blinken’s visit, which also included meetings with the Ukrainian president, prime minister, and vice prime minister.

Markarova acknowledged the urgency of the situation in Ukraine and the need for weapons to arrive as quickly as possible. She emphasized that there is no such thing as “fast enough” when facing a formidable enemy like Russia and highlighted the importance of catching up on weapon supplies after a long pause. Despite the challenges, she remained determined to secure the necessary support for Ukraine to defend against Russian aggression.

During the interview, Markarova addressed President Zelenskyy’s request for more Patriot missile systems, stating that Ukraine needs additional air defense systems given the ongoing attacks by Russia. She appealed for assistance in acquiring these systems to protect Ukrainian cities and prevent further loss of life. She also mentioned ongoing discussions with the Pentagon and other partners to secure the necessary equipment, emphasizing the critical need for support from allies like the U.S. and Germany.

The interview touched on the topic of Ukraine’s request for assistance to strike inside Russia, with the Ukrainian ambassador defending her country’s right to self-defense under international law. While not revealing specifics of the discussions with the U.S. and other partners, Markarova stressed that Ukraine has the right to defend itself against aggression, whether on its own territory or where attacks are being launched from. She underscored the importance of abiding by UN rules and international law in responding to Russian actions.

Markarova also emphasized the importance of ongoing training for Ukrainian troops and building a strong military institution in Ukraine. She highlighted the need for increased training in Ukraine to strengthen the country’s army and prepare for future security challenges. The ambassador expressed gratitude for the support received from the U.S. and other allies in training efforts and stressed the significance of building a robust defense against Russian aggression.

Overall, the interview with Ambassador Markarova shed light on the complex challenges facing Ukraine in its conflict with Russia and the crucial need for international support to defend against aggression. Markarova’s insights underscored the urgency of the situation and the ongoing efforts to secure the necessary resources and assistance to protect Ukrainian citizens and institutions. The discussion highlighted the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the U.S. and the collaborative efforts to address security concerns and build a resilient defense against external threats.

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