About 90 countries and organisations are expected to attend the Summit on Peace in Ukraine at Buergenstock, Switzerland on June 15-16. The event aims to outline the first steps toward achieving peace in Ukraine, with invitations extended to 160 countries. However, key states like the US and China are not sending heads of state, and the number of confirmed participants has reportedly dropped off. The summit is based on a 10-point peace formula outlined by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but questions remain over its impact in Russia’s absence.

Zelenskyy has been actively promoting the peace summit worldwide in an effort to garner support and attendance. Several dozen heads of state or government are expected to attend, including leaders like Emmanuel Macron, Andrzej Duda, and Justin Trudeau. US Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver an address and meet Zelenskyy on the sidelines, but US President Joe Biden will be absent. China, another key ally of Russia, will also not be attending. The most notable non-attendee is Russia, as Zelenskyy’s government made it clear Russia was not welcome. Moscow has rejected the peace plan the summit is based on, but the organisers believe Russia’s participation is necessary.

Ukraine’s peace plan outlines 10 proposals that reflect Zelenskyy’s vision of ending the war with Russia. The plan includes the withdrawal of Russian troops from occupied territory and the restoration of Ukraine’s state borders. Three main themes will be discussed at the summit: nuclear safety, humanitarian aid, and food security. Russia has completely rejected Ukraine’s peace formula, indicating that any practical resolution of issues is unlikely. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that he would order a ceasefire in Ukraine if Kyiv withdrew troops and renounced plans to join NATO.

The summit’s organisers have maintained a realistic approach, stating that the event aims to find a “possible path towards peace in Ukraine” and provide a “basis” for a peace process. Hostilities between Russia and Ukraine remain high, with Russia making territorial gains in eastern and northeastern Ukraine. Zelenskyy has reiterated calls for weapons from the West, citing the necessity to defeat Russia’s better-equipped army. Despite the challenges posed by Russia’s absence and rejection of the peace plan, the summit represents a significant diplomatic effort towards resolving the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and achieving peace in the region.

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