Russian strikes on a hospital in the Ukrainian border city of Sumy resulted in the death of 10 people, including a nurse, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemning Moscow for “waging war on hospitals.” The first strike killed one person and damaged several floors of the St. Panteleimon Clinical Hospital, with a second strike occurring during the evacuation of patients. Sumy, located near Russia’s Kursk region, was targeted by Russian Shahed drones, with the attack being described by Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal as evidence of Russia’s war crimes. Zelensky has been urging Western allies to allow the use of long-range precision weapons to strike deep inside Russia.

Images posted by officials showed body bags outside the hospital as well as a destroyed entrance and partially ripped-off roof. The hospital’s director reported that the admission department, casualty department, and fourth floor were destroyed, and seriously injured patients have been transferred to other hospitals. The strikes also hit a residential area, causing damage to buildings and injuring civilians. Volunteer groups assisting with repairs to damaged homes were caught in the second strike, with one volunteer capturing the chaos in a video showing smoke, explosions, and people seeking shelter as sirens sounded. Ukrain’s air force reported shooting down Russian attack drones and cruise missiles launched overnight in Sumy and other regions.

Zelensky has been vocal about Russia’s targeting of hospitals and civilian facilities during the conflict, urging the international community to take notice of the atrocities being committed. The attack on the hospital in Sumy is seen as a deliberate act of aggression by Russia, aiming to inflict harm on innocent civilians. The tragic loss of life and destruction caused by the strikes highlight the brutality of the ongoing conflict and the need for urgent intervention to protect civilians in Ukraine. The use of drones and cruise missiles in populated areas has intensified the humanitarian crisis, with many civilians being killed or injured as a result.

The attack on the hospital in Sumy is part of a larger pattern of Russian aggression in the region, with Moscow continuing its military campaign despite international condemnation. The deliberate targeting of hospitals and civilian infrastructure constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law and amounts to war crimes. The Ukrainian government has called for accountability for these atrocities and has sought support from the international community to put an end to the violence. The resilience of the Ukrainian people in the face of such brutality is commendable, as they continue to endure relentless attacks and devastation in their country.

The situation in Sumy and other border areas remains volatile, with Ukrainian forces defending against Russian incursions while also trying to provide assistance to civilians caught in the crossfire. The images of destruction and loss from the hospital attack serve as a stark reminder of the human cost of war and the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. As the death toll continues to rise and the violence escalates, the international community must step up efforts to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its actions. The people of Ukraine deserve peace, security, and justice, and it is essential for the world to stand united in condemning and addressing the atrocities being committed in the country.

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