The U.S. State Department has announced new sanctions on Russian state media outlet RT, accusing it of working with the Russian military to fundraise for equipment such as sniper rifles and body armor for soldiers fighting in Ukraine. While RT has previously been sanctioned for spreading Kremlin propaganda, these new allegations suggest a deeper involvement in Russia’s war efforts and efforts to undermine democratic allies. Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the importance of shining a light on Russia’s covert activities and disinformation campaigns.

In addition to spreading propaganda and disinformation, RT has been accused of creating websites posing as legitimate news sites to further its influence operations in Europe, Africa, South America, and beyond. The outlet has also expanded its cyber operations with a new unit connected to Russian intelligence established last year. A crowd-sourcing effort launched by RT aimed to raise funds for military supplies, some of which were acquired in China without clear connections to the fundraising campaign. These actions indicate that RT functions as a fully-fledged member of the Russian government’s intelligence apparatus.

Jamie Rubin, who heads the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, highlighted that RT’s activities go beyond disseminating disinformation and position it as an integral part of Russia’s intelligence operations. The sanctions announced on Friday target RT’s parent organization TV-Novosti, as well as another state media group called Rossiya Segodnya and its general director Dmitry Kiselyov. A third organization and its leader, Nelli Parutenko, were also sanctioned for allegedly engaging in a vote-buying scheme in Moldova to support Moscow’s preferred candidates in an upcoming election.

These sanctions reflect the U.S. government’s efforts to counter Russia’s aggressive disinformation campaigns and support for military actions in Ukraine and other regions. By targeting key figures and organizations involved in spreading propaganda and supporting Moscow’s interests, the U.S. aims to weaken Russia’s ability to undermine democratic processes and destabilize its neighbors. The emphasis on truth and transparency as antidotes to Russia’s lies underscores the importance of exposing and confronting covert activities that seek to manipulate public opinion and influence political outcomes.

The U.S. State Department’s actions against Russian state media outlet RT come amidst ongoing tensions between the two countries, particularly in the context of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and its broader efforts to challenge Western democracies. By sanctioning RT and its affiliates for their role in supporting and facilitating Russia’s military actions and disinformation campaigns, the U.S. sends a clear message that such activities will not be tolerated and will be met with consequences. These sanctions serve as a warning to other entities involved in similar activities and highlight the importance of defending democratic values and countering foreign interference in domestic affairs.

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