Fablefern Book Shop is a business venture started by Emily Raw and Elizabeth Stockfall, two lifelong readers from the Maritimes. Raw and Stockfall wanted to make literature more accessible to people in their communities by offering used books at affordable prices. Growing up without easy access to books, Raw felt that financial barriers often prevented her from getting her hands on the books she wanted. Thus, Fablefern was launched in March with the mission of getting more books in the hands of more people at significantly lower prices than big-box retailers.

Stockfall, whose parents met at the Saint John Public Library, also had a strong foundation in reading from a young age. She believes that books should be easily accessible to everyone without breaking the bank. The business objective of Fablefern is to allow people to purchase books at a price point that is affordable and doesn’t require them to sacrifice something else in order to buy a book. Both Raw and Stockfall are avid readers and active members of their community library, viewing their shop as an enhancement rather than a replacement for traditional libraries.

Raw and Stockfall see Fablefern as a way to help combat declining literacy rates in New Brunswick by prioritizing affordable children’s books. By making books accessible to kids, they believe more children will be encouraged to read, which in turn will help improve literacy rates in the province. Lynda Homer, executive director of the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick, agrees that accessibility to books is crucial in improving literacy rates and overall quality of life. She emphasizes the benefits of having physical books at home, as they allow for easier access and engagement with the material.

In addition to offering affordable books, Raw also puts effort into identifying trending titles that customers may be looking for. She enjoys the satisfaction of helping people find a book they’ve been wanting at a fraction of the price, making it easier for them to build their personal libraries. While Raw envisions the possibility of a physical storefront or mobile location in the future, her current focus remains on increasing book accessibility for those interested in reading. She believes that having access to books provides infinite amounts of information and empowers individuals to pursue their interests and goals.

Ultimately, Fablefern Book Shop aims to make books more accessible to a wider audience by offering affordable options for book lovers in the Maritimes. Their mission to combat declining literacy rates by prioritizing affordable children’s books is aligned with the goals of organizations like the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick. By providing an affordable alternative to big-box retailers and traditional libraries, Fablefern hopes to empower more people to engage with literature, expand their knowledge, and cultivate a lifelong love for reading.

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