Gardening expert Monty Don advises gardeners to prune and deadhead certain flowers now to ensure a great bloom next year. Spring has finally arrived, marking the beginning of various garden upkeep tasks. Despite the excitement of the coming summer, it’s crucial to look ahead and undertake tasks that will impact the plants for spring 2025. By heeding Monty Don’s advice, you can guarantee a beautiful garden in the future.

Monty Don highlights two flowers that require immediate attention: tulips and clematis. Tulips bloom from March to April, with some varieties blooming later. To ensure a good display next year, gardeners should deadhead the tulips once they’ve faded. Removing the dead flower head will divert all energy into forming new bulbs for the next year’s flowers. Clematis, on the other hand, should be pruned immediately after they finish flowering, as next year’s flowers develop on new growth from this period. Pruning clematis is done solely to maintain their size and spread for convenience.

In a blog post, Monty Don emphasizes the importance of these tasks for a thriving garden. Deadheading tulips and pruning clematis are essential steps to promote the growth of new bulbs and future flowers. By following these recommendations, gardeners can ensure a colorful and vibrant garden for years to come. It’s crucial to prioritize these maintenance activities during the current season to reap the benefits in the next spring. Additionally, Monty Don advises watering the plants well and mulching generously after pruning to support healthy growth.

As summer approaches, many Brits are gearing up for the warmer months by tending to their gardens. With Monty Don’s expert advice, they can make the most of the current season to prepare for a bountiful bloom next year. By understanding the specific needs of flowers like tulips and clematis, gardeners can create a well-maintained and beautiful garden in the long term. Investing time and effort now will pay off in the form of a stunning display during the next spring.

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