Two construction contractors, Sercan Erbey and Ilhami Dündar, attended the trial at Diyarbakır 8th Heavy Penal Court via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS) from prison, while the landowner Seydo Bozkaya, who is being tried without detention, did not attend.

The public prosecutor stated in his closing arguments that the detained defendants Erbey and Dündar should be punished for the alleged crime, their detention should continue, and the defendant Bozkaya, who is not detained, should be acquitted.

Defendants Dündar and Erbey also requested release on the grounds of health problems.

Their lawyers also argued that their clients are innocent and requested their release.

The court unanimously decided to sentence Erbey and Dündar to 13 years and 4 months in prison each for the crime of “causing the death and injury of multiple people through conscious negligence.”

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