The 105th anniversary of the landing of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Samsun on May 19, 1919, to initiate the National Struggle is being celebrated with enthusiasm in the city. The celebrations in Doğupark kicked off with a helicopter show by the Coast Guard Black Sea Regional Command. Following this, the Turkish Stars and SOLOTÜRK showcased a display in the skies of Samsun for nearly an hour.

The groundbreaking HÜRJET made its first appearance in front of the people of Samsun. Developed by TUSAŞ at the Kahramankazan facilities, HÜRJET came to life from the drawings on paper and met the sky, showcasing a special performance for the first time in Samsun as part of the celebrations for the 19th of May Youth and Sports Day.

The first jet-powered supersonic training aircraft in Turkey, HÜRJET, captivated the audience with a 20-minute show. People from different parts of the city recorded the spectacle on their phones, showing great interest in the performance. The show was attended by Samsun Governor Orhan Tavlı, AK Party Deputy Chairman Çiğdem Karaaslan, Mayor of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Halit Doğan, Samsun Garrison Commander Gazi Major General Davut Ala, Provincial Police Chief Ahmet Arıbaş, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Brigadier General Mustafa Bakçepınar, and members of the public.

Overall, the event was a grand celebration of the historic landing of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Samsun, symbolizing the beginning of the National Struggle. The spectacular displays by the Coast Guard and the Turkish Stars along with the debut of HÜRJET added excitement and pride to the festivities. The participation of local officials and the public in the event highlighted the importance of commemorating this significant day in Turkish history.

The presence of HÜRJET, Turkey’s first supersonic jet trainer aircraft, at the celebrations in Samsun marked a milestone in the country’s aviation industry. The interest and admiration shown by the audience during the display demonstrated the significance of technological advancements in Turkey’s defense sector. The successful performance of HÜRJET reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to innovation and progress in the field of aviation, reflecting the country’s capabilities on a national and international level.

In conclusion, the festivities in Samsun on the 105th anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s landing served as a reminder of the resilience and determination of the Turkish nation during the National Struggle. The inclusion of modern aircraft displays in the celebrations added a contemporary touch to the historical event, emphasizing Turkey’s progress in various fields. The event showcased the unity and pride of the people of Samsun in commemorating their rich cultural heritage and national identity.

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