A new fish species has been identified in Turkey as part of field studies conducted by academics from different universities in the country. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salim Serkan Güçlü from Isparta Applied Sciences University, Prof. Dr. Davut Turan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Kalaycı from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadi Aksu from Eskişehir Osmangazi University worked together to describe a new species of loach fish.

In a written statement, Salim Serkan Güçlü mentioned that there are approximately 430 species of freshwater fish in Turkey. He also highlighted that 50% of freshwater fish in Turkey are endemic species. Among the regions with the richest diversity of endemic species are the closed basin of Konya with 65%, Burdur with 54%, Büyük Menderes with 42%, Van Lake with 40%, and Antalya with 36%.

Güçlü pointed out that when comparing the numerical status of freshwater fish living in Anatolia and Europe, they encounter almost the same number of fish species. The new loach fish species discovered through their research has been named “Oxynoemacheilus kottelati.” This species has undergone morphological-molecular revision in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions, focusing on their distribution areas and conservation status.

The fish discovered in the Havran and Karınca streams in Balıkesir has been named in honor of Swiss scientist Dr. Maurice Kottelat, who has made significant contributions to the world fish fauna. The new species, “Oxynoemacheilus kottelati,” has been published in the “Zoosystematics and Evolution” journal, supported by the Berlin Natural History Museum. With this discovery, the number of loach fish species has reached 49, out of which 37 are endemic species in Turkey.

This new discovery adds to the rich biodiversity of freshwater fish in Turkey and contributes to the scientific understanding of the region’s aquatic ecosystems. The collaboration between academics from different universities highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research in exploring and documenting the natural world. The naming of the new loach fish species after a renowned scientist recognizes the global significance of the findings and the importance of international cooperation in biodiversity research.

The publication of the new species in a prestigious scientific journal indicates the rigor and quality of the research conducted by the team of academics. This research not only enhances our knowledge of the diversity of freshwater fish in Turkey but also underscores the need for conservation efforts to protect endemic species and their habitats. The new species “Oxynoemacheilus kottelati” serves as a testament to the rich biological heritage of Turkey and the importance of ongoing scientific exploration to uncover and safeguard its unique ecosystems.

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