According to data compiled from Eurostat and the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), Turkey’s young population has surpassed the populations of 20 EU countries including Belgium, Greece, Sweden, and Hungary. In Turkey, the young population in the 15-24 age group makes up 15.1% of the total population, while this rate is recorded as 10.6% in the EU.

As of 2023, Turkey’s young population in the 15-24 age group, which is 12,872,039, makes up more than a quarter of the EU’s total young population, which is 47,549,168. In Europe, following Turkey, Ireland has a young population rate of 12.5%, followed by the Netherlands with 12.3% and Denmark with 12.2%. The young population rates in France, Germany, and Italy are recorded as 12%, 10%, and 9.9%, respectively.

Among EU countries, Bulgaria has the lowest young population rate at 8.9%, followed by Slovenia at 9.5%. In comparison, Istanbul’s young population is higher than the total population of 76 provinces in Turkey. Istanbul is recorded as the city with the highest number of young people, with 2,318,178 individuals, followed by Ankara with 857,494 and Izmir with 582,377. The provinces with the lowest young population are Tunceli with 11,736 individuals, Ardahan with 14,263, and Bayburt with 17,372.

The total population of only five provinces in Turkey surpasses the young population of Istanbul. These provinces are Ankara with 5,803,482 people, Izmir with 4,479,525, Bursa with 3,214,571, Antalya with 2,696,249, and Konya with 2,320,241. The data highlights the significant presence of young people in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, compared to other provinces and EU countries.

Overall, the statistics demonstrate the considerable proportion of young people in Turkey’s population and their significant presence in cities like Istanbul. This demographic trend not only reflects the country’s youthfulness but also poses opportunities and challenges in terms of education, employment, and social integration for this segment of the population. As Turkey continues to develop and grow economically, it will be important to consider the needs and aspirations of its young population to ensure a prosperous future for the country.

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