The faculty member of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Department of Meteorological Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Toros, stated that desert dust is carried thousands of kilometers away by winds interacting with atmospheric systems. Toros, explaining that there is a large amount of dust in desert regions, said that it is a natural phenomenon for this dust to move to different continents.

Toros emphasized that the Sahara Desert, the largest hot desert in the world, is an important mineral dust source in the world’s atmosphere. He stated, “Dust from deserts rich in minerals such as iron and phosphorus becomes the source of nutrients for phytoplankton in the seas, contributes to the growth of plants on land, and increases soil productivity.”

Toros mentioned that Turkey is also affected by desert dust coming from Africa and provided information on how it will impact different regions of Turkey in the coming week based on atmospheric numerical model results. He said that the effect of desert dust on Turkey will continue throughout the week, with the impact changing from region to region.

The effects of desert dust can be seen on vehicles along with the evening dew during these days, according to Toros. He mentioned that as particle matter increases in the air, air quality may deteriorate, emphasizing the importance of monitoring the air quality on the website ‘’ and being cautious depending on one’s health condition.

Toros pointed out that despite the benefits of desert dust, studies have shown that when it concentrates at ground level, it can cause breathing problems for individuals with certain health issues. He warned that as particle matter in the air increases, it can worsen air quality, entering the lungs and bloodstream, negatively affecting those with asthma and respiratory problems.

Toros highlighted that dust has a more negative impact on babies, children, the elderly, and those with heart or lung diseases. Therefore, he advised being cautious about one’s health and choosing activities wisely, such as opting for walking instead of running when going outside. He stressed the importance of monitoring air quality and adjusting one’s activities accordingly to protect their health during this period.

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