The excitement of the local elections will be experienced in every city and district. The voters will make their choices as preparations for the local elections, where more than 61 million voters will cast their ballots, have been completed. Following the general elections in 2023, Turkey is now gearing up for local elections. Local officials will be determined in all provinces of Turkey tomorrow. Ballot boxes and voting booths have been brought to schools for the voters to cast their votes.

In Izmir, 10,721 ballot boxes have been set up for the elections. The city of Izmir, one of Turkey’s largest cities, is ready for the celebration of democracy. Close to 3.5 million voters will cast their votes in Izmir, and preparations for the elections at schools have been completed. There will be a total of 10,721 ballot boxes set up across the city for the elections. On election day, 16,000 security personnel will be on duty in Izmir.

In Adana, 1,629,000 voters will make their choices on Sunday, March 31st. The will of the people will be reflected in 5,164 ballot boxes. In Antalya, known as the capital of tourism, voters will choose their local authorities who will serve for five years in 6,040 ballot boxes.

In Konya, 23 candidates from different parties will compete for the mayoral position. In order for the elections in Konya to take place in a peaceful and secure environment, a total of 8,763 law enforcement personnel, including 6,437 police officers and 2,326 gendarmes, will be on duty. The earthquake zone is also ready for the democracy celebration as meticulous preparations have been made.

In Kahramanmaraş, the epicenter of the earthquake on February 6th, the final preparations are being made for the elections. Voting booths and ballot boxes are being placed in classrooms so that voters can cast their votes. A total of 753,538 voters in the city will cast their votes in 2,405 ballot boxes. In Hatay, 1,078,000 voters will make their choices, with 96 ballot boxes set up in container cities.

Preparations have also been completed in Trabzon for the voters to have the final say. In Trabzon, where there are approximately 620,000 voters, 2,264 ballot boxes have been set up. Over 3,500 law enforcement personnel will be on duty to ensure that the elections in the city take place in a peaceful environment. In regions like the East and Southeast, meticulous work has been carried out for the elections.

In Diyarbakir, preparations for the elections have been completed in schools. The will of 1,164,000 voters will be reflected in these classrooms on election day. Ballot boxes await the voters who will determine the new local officials on March 31st.

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