Efforts from air and land continue to intervene in forest and rural fires that have occurred nationwide.

The fire, which started in a pasture area in Eşme district of Uşak and spread to a forested area, is being intervened from air and land.

In an uncultivated area near Dereli village, a fire broke out for reasons that have not yet been determined. Growing with the effect of the wind, the fire spread to the forest areas.

Upon notification, fire trucks and firefighting teams were dispatched to the region. A helicopter is also intervening in the fire from the air.

In addition to Gördes, the forest fire that broke out in Boyalı Village of Manisa on August 14, spread to Salihli district today and reached Yunuslar Village in Gölmarmara district.

In addition to Gördes, the fire, which is effective in Kale Village of Salihli and Yunuslar Village near Gölmarmara, is being intervened by 6 airplanes, 14 helicopters, 46 fire trucks, 14 water supply vehicles, 6 construction machines, and 6 first response ground teams.

A total of 450 personnel, including 45 technical personnel, are on duty to fight the fire.

In Kayacık Village, a fire that started on August 15 and continues to burn is being intervened by 1 airplane, 4 helicopters, 15 fire trucks, 3 water supply vehicles, 2 excavators, and 1 first response ground team, as well as 100 personnel participating in extinguishing efforts.

Impacted areas were inspected by Manisa Governor Enver Ünlü, who shared the information that the risk of fire still continues in Hacıhıdır Village of Salihli and Yunuslar and Çamköy Villages of Gölmarmara.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı announced that the forest fire in Milas district of Muğla has been brought under control. Muğla Governor İdris Akbıyık stated that the fire affected an area of 200 hectares and forest heroes are tirelessly fighting for our green homeland day and night.

Minister Yumaklı, regarding the fire in İzmir Yamanlar, said it was trapped in a valley and they expected it to be extinguished with interventions from aircraft and helicopters. Currently, there are 5 active fires. Regarding the fire in Karşıyaka Yamanlar in İzmir, Minister Yumaklı stated that 3 airplanes and 14 helicopters are attempting to extinguish the fire trapped in a valley with difficulty in access.

In Menderes district of İzmir, a forest fire broke out and interventions from air and land are ongoing. According to the information from Izmir Forestry Regional Directorate, the forest fire in Şaşal Village was intervened in within 10 minutes. Efforts to extinguish the fire with 1 plane, 3 helicopters, 7 fire trucks, 2 water tankers, 1 bulldozer, and 1 ground team continue.

Minister Yumaklı mentioned that 8 planes and 14 helicopters are intervening in the fire in Bozdoğan district of Aydın. He explained that one of these planes is the Be-200 heavy-duty firefighting aircraft brought to Turkey in previous weeks. The fire began in the rural area and spread to the forest, possibly due to carelessness.

Bolu’s Göynük district continues the efforts to extinguish the forest fire that started in Bekirfakılar village the previous day. 12 helicopters, 138 fire trucks, 245 vehicles, and construction machines from Bolu and surrounding provinces are supporting the efforts to extinguish the fire.

A total of 1357 personnel are working in the region to extinguish the fire from air and land.

Governor Erkan Kılıç visited Umurlar village to inspect the area and received information from officials. He stated that although the fire has not been completely taken under control yet, the teams are intensively working in the area.

He emphasized the hard work of everyone involved in the efforts, ensuring that the aim is to prevent the spread of the fire and to respond to potential fires immediately.

In Ovacık district of Karabük, efforts to extinguish the forest fire continue. The fire that started in a forest area between Alınca and Beydini villages yesterday around 14:19 is being intervened to be extinguished.

The Presidential Communication Directorate announced on social media that interventions from air and land continue in forest fires in İzmir, Aydın, Karabük, Muğla, Manisa, and Bolu. The Be-200 Amphibious Firefighting Aircraft, with a water intake and release capacity of 12 tons, is also supporting the efforts to extinguish forest fires in 5 provinces. The Directorate highlighted the effectiveness of the Amphibious Firefighting Aircraft in extinguishing forest fires due to its high water release capacity, amphibious nature, and high travel speed.

AFAD announced the number of evacuees due to forest fires. The statement revealed that in the past week, 131 forest fires were reported, and residents living near the affected areas were evacuated to safe locations to prevent possible casualties. In İzmir, 1,430 people, in Manisa, 1,475 people, in Bolu, 516 people, and in Aydın, 550 people were evacuated to safe areas.

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