Superquiz, a popular feature, which typically appears on Tuesdays, is currently unavailable. The team is working to restore this feature, so readers are encouraged to check back later. In the meantime, readers can explore other sections on the website. Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle, is now available in a digital version. Players can test their word-finding skills and challenge themselves to discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and can share their results with others.

Superquiz, which is usually presented by Chris Berry, offers readers a fun and engaging challenge. While the feature may be currently unavailable, readers can look forward to its return in the future. Superquiz typically includes a variety of puzzles and trivia questions that test readers’ knowledge and problem-solving skills. The digital version of Target Time provides a new way for players to enjoy the puzzle and compete with others to see who can find the Target word in the shortest amount of time.

Superquiz and Target Time are interactive features that appeal to readers who enjoy solving puzzles and word games. These challenges provide a break from the daily news and offer a fun and engaging activity for readers to enjoy. The digital version of Target Time allows players to test their skills and see how they compare to others. By playing the puzzle and sharing their results, players can connect with others who enjoy similar challenges.

The Superquiz feature typically appears on Tuesdays, providing readers with an entertaining activity to break up the week. While the feature is currently unavailable, readers can explore other content on the website and look forward to its return. The digital version of Target Time offers players a new way to engage with the puzzle and challenge themselves to find the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to exclusive features and can compete with others to see who can complete the puzzle in the fastest time.

Superquiz and Target Time are popular features that appeal to a wide audience of readers who enjoy puzzles and word games. These interactive challenges provide readers with a fun and engaging activity to sharpen their skills and test their knowledge. While Superquiz may be currently unavailable, readers can still enjoy the digital version of Target Time and compete with other players to find the Target word. By participating in these puzzles, readers can exercise their minds and connect with others who share their passion for games and trivia.

Overall, Superquiz and Target Time are beloved features that provide readers with an entertaining and interactive experience. While Superquiz may be temporarily unavailable, readers can still enjoy the digital version of Target Time and challenge themselves to find the Target word. These puzzles offer readers a break from the daily news and provide a fun and engaging activity that tests their skills and knowledge. By playing these games and sharing their results, readers can connect with others who enjoy similar challenges and continue to enjoy the interactive features on the website.

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