As the presidential campaign ramps up, Donald Trump is once again resorting to attacking American cities as crime-ridden and immigrant-heavy danger zones in order to win over suburban voters. His extreme rhetoric was evident during a recent campaign event in the Bronx, a New York City borough where President Biden won by a large margin in 2020. Trump claimed that immigrants are negatively impacting minority populations and threatening America from within, advocating for mass deportations if he were to be elected president.

This fearmongering tactic is not new for Trump, as he previously used similar rhetoric during the last election campaign to stoke fears about urban crime and the disappearance of suburbs under a Biden presidency. Despite crime rates falling significantly over the past few decades, fear of crime remains a top issue for Trump and Republicans. This has led to a general Republican attack on cities, which are typically Democratic strongholds, with conservative policy planners now developing strategies on how to go after cities if Trump is re-elected.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, is leading Project 2025, an initiative aimed at implementing policies to counter the influence of the “radical Left” if Trump wins in November. Their proposals include withholding federal grants for cities, reducing emergency disaster spending, and implementing harsh immigration policies. These actions could result in significant labor shortages and economic disruptions, as many essential workers are immigrants.

Attacking cities and creating animosity between them and their suburbs is not only bad policy, but also detrimental to the economic prosperity of the country. Cities are the drivers of America’s economic growth, with metro areas accounting for a significant portion of the population and GDP. Trump’s anti-city rhetoric may resonate with suburban voters, but his policies could worsen America’s economic problems, including job scarcity, wage stagnation, and economic insecurity.

In order to promote prosperity and growth, America needs cooperation and unity within its metro areas. Trump’s divisive rhetoric and policies could further exacerbate the structural issues in our metro economies, perpetuating racial segregation and economic disparities. Instead of inciting fear and division, it is crucial to prioritize collaboration and support for cities, which are essential for the overall well-being of the American economy. Trump’s focus on attacking cities may serve him well politically, but it comes at the expense of the nation’s economic stability and growth.

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