Former President Donald Trump is facing increasing legal bills as his legal issues continue. Save America PAC, the main fund Trump has been using to pay his lawyers, spent over $5 million on legal fees in February, totaling $51.5 million since the start of 2023. The PAC was initially formed in the aftermath of the 2020 election, raising $31.5 million by the end of 2020 and amassing $105.4 million by the end of 2021. However, Trump’s legal troubles prompted the PAC to transfer $60 million to another super PAC, Make America Great Again, Inc., which has since been repaid in installments.

Trump’s legal expenses have been mainly funded by these refunds from associated committees. In January and February 2024, Save America raised $62.3 million, with $52.3 million coming from these refunds. Individual contributions and donations made via Trump’s campaign website only accounted for a small fraction of the funds raised for the PAC. However, Save America has been spending more money than it has been taking in, with the super PAC refunds set to run out by May, leaving Trump to find new ways to cover his legal expenses.

There are signs that Trump may be abandoning Save America as the primary source of funding for his legal bills. His campaign is now linking to a different joint fundraising committee on its website, focusing on allocating funds to Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee. With Save America’s cash reserves dwindling and limited options to replenish them, Trump may have to rely on big donors to fund his legal fees through alternative tactics that may push the boundaries of campaign finance laws.

Experts suggest that Trump may turn to the Make America Great Again Inc. super PAC, which can accept unlimited donations but is not supposed to coordinate with candidates or pay their expenses. Alternatively, he could deputize the RNC to help cover his legal bills, as wealthy donors can contribute large amounts to state and national parties, allowing the funds to be used for legal proceedings. While Trump’s campaign cannot directly pay for his personal legal expenses, it could potentially cover fees related to his candidacy or time in office.

While the legality of some of these fundraising tactics may be questionable, experts believe that the chances of Trump facing legal repercussions are minimal as the FEC rarely enforces coordination restrictions. With Trump’s legal issues showing no signs of slowing down, his campaign will need to find new avenues to fund his mounting legal bills. Ultimately, Trump may have to rely on wealthy donors and creative fundraising strategies to cover his legal expenses.

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