Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, is facing a serious threat to his position and is working towards aligning himself with Donald Trump, the most influential figure in the Republican Party. In an effort to show his support for Trump, Johnson plans to hold a joint news conference at Mar-a-Lago to discuss “election integrity,” a topic that Trump is passionate about. Johnson’s allies have also requested Trump’s public endorsement or at least his neutrality in the ongoing conflict between Johnson and House Republicans. Johnson’s strategy of staying in Trump’s good graces highlights the continued influence that Trump holds over the House Republican Conference.

Johnson has a history of supporting Trump, including his involvement in Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. However, Johnson’s efforts to align himself with Trump may face challenges, as he is also working on passing a foreign surveillance law and providing aid to Ukraine, both of which Trump has opposed. Despite these potential conflicts, Johnson remains committed to maintaining his speaker position. Even though Johnson has spoken to Trump about the situation, he has not disclosed whether he sought Trump’s support amid the threat to his position.

Despite the looming possibility of a vote to oust Johnson from the speakership, Trump has expressed disinterest in another speaker fight. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch Trump supporter who is spearheading the effort to remove Johnson, recently had a meeting with Trump, but did not disclose the former president’s feelings towards her campaign. While Trump has not publicly commented on the situation, he has implied that he does not want to see further turmoil within the House. Johnson intends to address the issue of providing aid to Ukraine as lawmakers return to Washington, with some members of his conference urging him to seek Trump’s support on the matter.

Several House Republicans are hopeful that Trump’s endorsement of any aid package for Ukraine would help garner support from conservative members. Despite reports of a possible shift in Trump’s stance on Ukraine funding, his allies are cautiously optimistic. However, Greene continues to press Johnson to reconsider his plans for Ukraine aid and the surveillance bill. As the situation continues to develop, it remains unclear how Trump’s position will ultimately influence Johnson’s standing as Speaker of the House. The story and headline have been updated with additional reporting on the ongoing situation.

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