Evan Corcoran, a former attorney for Donald Trump, has left the former president’s legal team amidst ongoing criminal investigations in south Florida. Corcoran’s departure could have significant implications for Trump, as he may be called as a key witness if the case goes to trial. Corcoran was initially brought on to assist with defending Trump against charges in a classified documents investigation, but he later became a central witness after Trump allegedly misled him about the whereabouts of the documents and encouraged him to lie to the Justice Department.

Corcoran was forced to appear before a grand jury a year ago after a district judge ruled that he could not use attorney-client privilege to shield notes and memos detailing his interactions with Trump from investigators. These notes provided prosecutors with crucial evidence that ultimately led to Trump’s indictment. Corcoran, referred to as “Trump Attorney 1” in the indictment, will likely be a key witness for the prosecution if the case goes to trial. However, the case has faced numerous delays and logistical challenges over the past few months.

While Corcoran recused himself from representing Trump in the classified documents case, he continued to represent him in other investigations. Corcoran declined to comment on his departure from Trump’s legal team. Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung stated that Corcoran remains on the legal team and is actively supporting Trump in fighting against ongoing legal challenges. The departure of experienced attorneys who were handling Trump’s legal matters before his indictment has left the team with a loss of institutional knowledge.

Corcoran’s role in the classified documents probe could present a significant problem for Trump, as his memos detailing interactions with Trump reveal how the former president was attempting to undermine a subpoena from prosecutors. Trump allegedly discussed with Corcoran what to do with classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago, suggesting that the attorney should take them to his hotel room to keep them safe. Another Mar-a-Lago worker, Brian Butler, also played a crucial role leading up to Trump’s indictment, unknowingly assisting with moving boxes containing classified information before the FBI executed a search warrant on the property.

Corcoran’s exit from Trump’s legal team highlights the challenges they face as they prepare for potential trials in the ongoing criminal investigations. The loss of experienced attorneys who were involved in the investigations before Trump’s indictment poses a significant obstacle in navigating the legal complexities of the case. Corcoran’s departure may impact Trump’s defense strategy, as he was a central witness in the classified documents probe and his memos provided critical evidence for prosecutors. The ongoing delays and unresolved logistical issues in the case continue to prolong the uncertainty surrounding Trump’s legal troubles.

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