Donald Trump is launching a relentless attack on Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, aiming to demolish her image as a force for change and credibility as a possible president in the final nine weeks before the election. He is using insult-driven politics, accusing Harris of responsibility for the deaths of US troops in Afghanistan and complicity in other tragedies. Trump and his running mate are also criticizing her mixed-race heritage and accusing her of policy reversals. In addition to personal attacks, his campaign ads are alleging that Harris will slash Social Security benefits by allowing undocumented migrants into the country.

In an effort to paint Harris as an extreme liberal, Trump and his supporters are calling her a communist and a “Bolshevik.” They are also questioning the fairness of the upcoming election and raising concerns about the possibility of Trump not accepting defeat if he loses. Trump’s tactics include attacking Harris on reproductive rights to narrow a gender gap in polling. Despite his efforts to tarnish her image, Harris has managed to distinguish herself from her boss and present a fresh option compared to her older GOP rival, causing frustration in the Trump camp.

Trump’s aggressive rhetoric in the next two months is aimed at stoking anger among his base and possibly tarnishing Harris’s image in battleground states. His lack of success in winning over new voters in past elections suggests that he may be trying to depress Harris’s prospects among persuadable voters rather than gaining new supporters himself. However, Trump’s controversial behavior, such as using a gravesite campaign photo-op in Arlington National Cemetery, could backfire and reinforce Harris’s message of moving past the chaos of the Trump era.

Despite the neck-and-neck race, Harris’s campaign is preparing for a tough road ahead, acknowledging the challenge posed by Trump’s aggressive tactics. She has taken steps to counter Trump’s attacks, focusing on specific policies and centrist positions that have helped narrow the gap with Trump on economic issues. Harris has also refused to engage in personal attacks with Trump, instead choosing to focus on the issues. Meanwhile, Trump continues to blur ethical lines, even when honoring fallen troops, leading to backlash from Harris and accusations that he is using the deaths of Americans for political gain.

While Trump lobs personal attacks at Harris, questioning her credibility and policies, Harris’s campaign is pushing back by highlighting his controversial statements and behavior. As the campaign enters its final stages, both sides are making strategic bets on their respective approaches. Trump is banking on a relentless onslaught to bring down Harris, while she is hoping that his extreme tactics will turn enough voters against him. The upcoming debate between Harris and Trump will likely be a pivotal moment in the campaign, with mail-in voting set to begin shortly after.

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