Former President Donald Trump is calling on Arizona lawmakers to overturn a controversial state Supreme Court ruling that affirms a Civil War-era abortion ban. In a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump expressed his belief that abortion rights should be decided by the states, but criticized the Arizona Supreme Court for allowing the 1864 abortion ban to go back into effect. He urged the Arizona legislature to act quickly to address the ruling, emphasizing the need for common sense and quick action.

Trump also outlined his beliefs on abortion, stating that he thinks there should be three exceptions when abortion should be legal: in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the mother’s life. He falsely claimed that Democrats support abortion up to the moment of birth and even after birth in some cases, when in reality, late-term abortions are rare and typically done to protect the mother’s life. Trump’s statements on abortion come after he announced his stance on the issue, supporting state decisions on abortion rather than a national ban.

The Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling, which allows the enforcement of a 1864 law that makes it a felony to perform abortions with almost no exceptions, has sparked bipartisan criticism. President Joe Biden called the ban cruel and a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials, while Trump ally and Senate candidate Kari Lake expressed her disagreement with the ruling and called for a common-sense solution. The order won’t take effect for 14 days, giving lawmakers time to potentially act before citizens can vote on an initiative in November that would secure the right to abortion in Arizona.

Advocates are working to get the initiative on the ballot in November, which could nullify the Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling if approved by voters. The initiative has already received the required amount of signatures to make it onto the ballot this year, indicating strong support for protecting abortion rights in Arizona. It remains to be seen how the legislature will respond to Trump’s call to act quickly to address the controversial ruling, and how the ongoing debate over abortion rights will impact the upcoming election in Arizona.

Overall, the controversy surrounding the Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling on the 1864 abortion ban has reignited the debate over abortion rights in the state. With advocates pushing for an initiative to secure abortion rights in Arizona and former President Trump calling on lawmakers to act quickly to overturn the ruling, the issue is likely to remain a key point of contention in the upcoming election. As the deadline for the ruling to take effect approaches, all eyes will be on the Arizona legislature and voters to see how they respond to the challenge to abortion rights in the state.

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