Donald Trump hinted at Barron Trump’s college plans after his high school graduation, suggesting that he is considering different colleges than previously mentioned. Barron, 18, has kept his collegiate plans private, but rumors suggest he may be looking at schools other than the University of Pennsylvania or New York University, where he was previously rumored to be considering attending. Trump mentioned that Barron is doing well in school and will be attending college soon, but did not provide a timeline for when he will announce his decision.

Barron will graduate from Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, where he has been a student for the last few years. The school, founded by William I. Koch, is known for its high tuition costs and rigorous academic programs. Barron has not been involved in any of the school’s sports teams, despite his talent in soccer. He is expected to graduate in a private ceremony, attended by his family, before Trump has to travel to a fundraising event in Minnesota later that evening.

While Barron has largely stayed out of the public eye, he has recently been the subject of increased media scrutiny due to his apparent interest in politics. Trump mentioned that Barron occasionally offers him political advice, indicating that the teenager may have a keen interest in the subject. Barron was invited to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention later this year but declined the invitation due to prior commitments.

Despite his popularity in school, Barron has kept a low profile during his time at Oxbridge Academy. The media has struggled to gain insight into his life at the school, with many students and parents declining interview requests. A rare glimpse into Barron’s school life was provided when he was spotted attending the school’s prom last month. Trump has mentioned that Barron is well-liked at school and has good grades, indicating that he has been successful in his academic pursuits.

As Barron prepares to graduate and move on to college, his future plans remain a mystery. Trump has hinted that Barron may be considering different colleges than previously thought, suggesting that the teenager has a wide range of options available to him. Barron’s interest in politics and advice-giving to his father indicate that he may have a bright future ahead, with the potential to follow in his family’s footsteps in the public eye. Overall, Barron’s graduation marks a new chapter in his life, as he prepares to take the next step in his academic and personal journey.

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