Former President Donald J. Trump shared a video on his social media platform, Truth Social, featuring an image of President Biden tied up. The video was filmed at a wake for a slain New York City police officer on Long Island. Similar imagery targeting Trump’s perceived enemies is common among right-wing groups online. The video showcases two trucks decorated with Trump flags and decals, with the second vehicle featuring an image of Biden tied up. This reflects Trump’s personal attacks against Biden, including violent rhetoric and imagery on his social media accounts.

The video featuring Biden tied up reflects the increasingly bitter and personal attacks that Trump has directed towards Biden. Trump has used violent imagery and language against Biden in the past, and this video is just another example. The Trump campaign defended the video as it being on the back of a truck traveling down the highway, citing past Democratic statements to justify Trump’s rhetoric. This includes a statement by Biden in 2018 where he mentioned wanting to beat Trump up behind a gym in high school.

Trump has a history of sharing doctored photos and videos depicting him physically attacking political opponents, particularly focusing on Biden. He has posted videos of hitting Biden with golf balls and shared a photo holding a baseball bat next to the Manhattan district attorney who is prosecuting him. Trump has also used authoritarian language on the campaign trail, describing migrants as “poisoning the blood of our country” and referring to political opponents as “vermin” that need to be “rooted out.”

In recent statements, Trump has dehumanized migrants by saying some are “not people” and has warned of a “blood bath” if he loses the election. He also made controversial statements attacking Jewish Democrats, suggesting that those who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel. The use of inflammatory language and violent imagery by Trump is part of a pattern of behavior that has continued even after leaving office. Trump’s attacks on Biden and others reflect a divisive and confrontational political approach that has been a hallmark of his presidency.

The video featuring Biden tied up is just one example of the extreme rhetoric and imagery that Trump has used against his political opponents. This reflects a broader trend of violent and caustic attacks that he has directed towards Biden and others. Whether sharing videos of physically attacking Biden or making dehumanizing statements about migrants and Jewish Democrats, Trump’s use of inflammatory language and imagery contributes to a toxic political climate. As he continues to promote such content on his social media platform, it is clear that Trump is unapologetic about his divisive and confrontational approach to politics.

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