Former President Donald Trump denied reports that he was considering former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, stating that she was not under consideration. Haley had previously launched a presidential campaign in opposition to Trump, but ultimately suspended her bid after Super Tuesday. Despite not endorsing Trump, Haley continues to receive votes in Republican primaries, including nearly 22% of the vote in Indiana. She had advocated for a more aggressive foreign policy than Trump’s America First approach during her campaign.

Reacting to reports of Haley potentially being considered as Trump’s running mate, his son, Donald Trump Jr., expressed relief that she was not under consideration, suggesting that she was using the speculation to boost attendance at a PAC fundraiser. Haley is expected to meet with her major donors in South Carolina, but is not anticipated to encourage them to support Trump’s general election campaign. The former ambassador has not spoken with Trump since ending her White House bid and has not yet endorsed the former president.

Haley and Trump’s relationship has been contentious, with Haley declining to endorse Trump and emphasizing that it is up to him to earn the support of those who did not back him in the past. Despite this, she continues to receive significant support in Republican primaries, signaling potential challenges for Trump in the upcoming general election against President Biden. She has advocated for a foreign policy that contrasts with Trump’s America First agenda, engaging in debates with other candidates on issues such as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Trump dismissed reports of Haley being considered as his running mate, stating that she was not under consideration. He expressed well wishes towards Haley but denied that she was being vetted for the vice presidential slot. Haley’s presidential campaign had put her in direct competition with Trump, with her being his final rival in the primary race. Despite not endorsing Trump, Haley continues to receive support in Republican primaries, indicating ongoing divisions within the party.

Haley’s upcoming meetings with her major donors are expected to focus on thanking them for their support during her presidential campaign. While she is not anticipated to endorse Trump or encourage donors to contribute to his general election campaign, Haley’s ongoing popularity in Republican primaries presents potential challenges for Trump’s reelection bid. The former ambassador has previously clashed with Trump on foreign policy issues, highlighting differences in their approaches to international relations and global conflicts.

In conclusion, reports of Nikki Haley potentially being considered as Donald Trump’s running mate for the 2024 presidential election were dismissed by the former president. Despite not endorsing Trump, Haley continues to receive significant support in Republican primaries and is expected to meet with her major donors to thank them for their contributions. Their strained relationship and differing views on foreign policy have led to ongoing speculation about Haley’s future role within the Republican Party and her potential impact on Trump’s reelection campaign.

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