Former President Donald Trump, who is also the current Republican presidential nominee, is making efforts to garner more support from the Catholic community. He recently posted a message on his social media platform Truth Social, expressing solidarity with a campaign targeting Vice President Kamala Harris on behalf of Catholic voters. Trump accused Harris of being anti-Catholic and endorsed a multi-million dollar campaign launched by CatholicVote to defeat Harris in swing states. The former president emphasized the importance of all Catholics voting against Harris and denounced any religious tests for serving the country.

In response to Trump’s endorsement, CatholicVote thanked him for bringing attention to their campaign and exposing what they perceive as Harris’ hatred of Catholics. They highlighted Harris’ past criticism of a judicial nominee’s affiliation with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization. Trump further endorsed CatholicVote, urging all Catholics to support their cause and condemning Harris for her alleged anti-Catholic stance. This comes after Harris faced criticism for questioning a federal judge nominee about his membership in the Knights of Columbus, suggesting that it conflicted with her views on abortion and marriage equality.

Despite Harris’ affiliation with President Joe Biden, who identifies as Catholic, critics argue that her views on certain social issues align more closely with the hard left, posing a threat to the Catholic community. CatholicVote president Brian Burch has accused Harris of being the most anti-Catholic presidential candidate in American history, citing her record and statements as evidence of bias and bigotry against Catholics. This has sparked a debate within the Catholic community about the extent to which political figures can deviate from Catholic ethics before being considered at odds with the Church.

Trump’s running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, converted to Catholicism in 2019, drawing attention to the role of religion in political discourse. Vance’s Catholic-aligned views on social issues have raised concerns among Democrats, especially in light of his position as a vice-presidential candidate. Trump’s campaign has specifically targeted Catholics and religious Jews as groups whose interests he claims are being compromised by the Biden administration. The former president has made efforts to appeal to these religious minorities, positioning himself as a champion of their values and concerns.

In his campaign outreach to Catholics, Trump has also addressed the treatment of the Jewish community, suggesting that they are also facing discrimination under the current administration. By highlighting the alleged mistreatment of Jews by Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, Trump seeks to broaden his appeal to religious minority groups and consolidate support for his candidacy. While some critics have questioned the accuracy of his claims and the motivations behind his language, Trump’s strategy reflects a focus on mobilizing religious voters and leveraging issues of faith to rally support for his campaign in the 2024 presidential election.

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