The Supreme Court recently struck down the nationwide ban on bump stocks that former President Donald Trump had sought to implement. Trump’s campaign had relatively little to say on the matter, with his press secretary stating that the Court’s decision should be respected. The decision focused on the power of federal regulatory agencies to ban bump stocks, which are simple devices that allow semiautomatic rifles to fire bullets more rapidly. The majority, including three judges appointed by Trump, concluded that Congress would need to take action to ban the devices.

Trump’s statement did not call for Congress to take any action following the Supreme Court’s decision. Instead, his campaign turned the focus to immigration, claiming that the right to bear arms is crucial at a time when the border is open to terrorists and criminals. The campaign stated that Joe Biden wants to take away this right from law-abiding Americans, while Trump will not allow that to happen. This stance on gun rights contrasts sharply with Biden, who called on Congress to ban bump stocks, pass an assault weapon ban, and take additional action to save lives.

When Trump announced the pursuit of a bump stock ban in 2018, he acknowledged the power these devices have to turn legal weapons into machine guns. He boasted about going further on the issue than President Obama had before him. This announcement came shortly after two major mass shootings that involved the use of bump stocks. Despite Trump’s history of critiquing court decisions that go against him, he did not do so in this case, likely to maintain his support from the National Rifle Association.

During a convention earlier this year, Trump reassured attendees that he would protect their firearms and vowed to terminate any Biden attacks on gun owners and manufacturers if he were to return to office. This strong stance on gun rights has been a key aspect of Trump’s platform and has garnered support among gun owners and NRA members. The Supreme Court decision on bump stocks highlights the ongoing debate surrounding gun control in the United States and the differing approaches of political leaders on this issue.

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