Former President Trump held a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, where he confidently predicted he would win the state in the upcoming election. The rally drew a crowd estimated between 80,000 and 100,000 people, making it the largest political rally in the state. Trump attacked President Biden, calling him a “moron” and the “worst president we’ve ever had.” He focused on criticizing Biden’s economic and border policies, vowing to reinstate MAGAnomics and bring back industries like manufacturing and tourism.

Trump received enthusiastic cheers from the crowd as he declared his intention to win not only New Jersey but also other traditionally blue states. He criticized Biden’s handling of the economy, pointing out price hikes that were affecting New Jersey families. Trump also accused Biden of surrendering college campuses to anti-American extremists and called for the return of donations from anti-Semites and American haters. The former president also took aim at Biden’s response to the Israel war in Gaza.

The rally took place as Trump is facing dozens of felony charges in four separate criminal cases, raising the possibility that he could be a convicted felon by Election Day. Despite his legal troubles, Trump’s supporters gathered on the sand in Wildwood before the event, wearing “Never Surrender” T-shirts and “Make America Great Again” hats. The legal issues, including upcoming testimonies from key witnesses like Michael Cohen, have become a central issue in the campaign.

Wildwood is located in New Jersey’s 2nd District, represented by U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who shared the stage with Trump at the rally. The district, which went for Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections after previously voting for Barack Obama, is a key battleground for the GOP. Trump’s attacks on Biden and promises of economic revitalization resonated with the crowd, who cheered him on as he criticized the current administration.

The rally showcased Trump’s ability to energize his supporters and attract large crowds, despite his legal troubles. As the election approaches, Trump’s efforts to expand the electoral map and challenge traditional Democratic strongholds like New Jersey indicate a strategy to secure victory in November. The event in Wildwood underscored the deep divisions in American politics and the fierce loyalty of Trump’s base, who remain committed to his message of “America First” and a return to what he terms “common sense” policies.

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