Former President Donald J. Trump spoke at a multimillion-dollar fund-raiser in Palm Beach, Florida, expressing lament that people were not immigrating to the United States from “nice” countries like Denmark. He made these comments during a dinner at billionaire financier John Paulson’s mansion. The event raised more than $50 million, a record amount, but had not yet been verified. Trump tailored some of his comments to his wealthy audience, including a discussion about migrants entering the United States.

During his speech, Trump criticized migrants coming in from what he described as “unbelievable places” and countries that are “a disaster.” He referred to an episode from his presidency when he made controversial remarks about certain countries being “shithole countries.” He highlighted countries like Denmark, Switzerland, and Norway as examples of “nice” countries that he believes immigrants should come from. He also expressed concern about people coming from countries like Yemen where there is conflict and violence.

Trump also addressed the surge of migrants, particularly from Latin America, suggesting that gang members were making the Hell’s Angels look like “extremely nice people.” He claimed that these individuals had been shipped or brought into the country and expressed his concerns about their presence. Trump blamed President Biden for the influx of migrants and mocked him for decisions made at the Resolute Desk, implying that it had been “soiled.”

At the fund-raiser, Trump highlighted his achievements during his presidency, including tax cuts and regulations that benefited wealthy donors in attendance. He asked guests about their preference for these measures and emphasized that the most successful people in the country were present at the event. Trump ended his remarks with a dire assessment of America’s future, suggesting that the upcoming election could be the last the country ever has. He likened the importance of the election to July 4th, emphasizing its significance in determining the future of the nation.

The event took place in Palm Beach, where the town is predominantly white, in contrast to more diverse neighboring West Palm Beach. Trump’s comments about immigration and migrants were met with chuckles from the crowd, indicating a sense of agreement or amusement among the wealthy donors in attendance. The former president’s speech touched on familiar themes from his campaign rallies, focusing on border security, immigration, and his administration’s policies that appealed to his base of supporters. Despite the controversy surrounding his remarks, some aspects of his message resonated with the audience, particularly those related to economic policies that benefited the wealthy.

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