Former President Trump held his first rally since his conviction in a New York court, attracting a fiery crowd of supporters in Nevada. He criticized the “Biden crime family” and slammed President Biden’s handling of the southern border, an important issue for voters in the state. Trump also targeted Biden’s age, mental fitness, and frequent vacations to Delaware, calling him “incompetent” and suggesting he should take a cognitive test. While he did not endorse a candidate in the ongoing Republican primary for U.S. Senate, he praised former Army Captain Sam Brown.

Despite his recent conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a new Fox News poll found Trump leading Biden by 5 points in a head-to-head matchup. This lead remained steady with the inclusion of independent presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Cornel West, and Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein. The conviction does not seem to have affected Trump’s level of support, as he was tied with Biden in a Democrat-leaning state like Virginia. This indicates that Trump still maintains a strong base of support among voters.

During the rally, Trump emphasized his commitment to “knocking off the Biden crime family” and ending the Biden administration, which he described as weak and failed. He accused the administration of changing the fabric of the country and destroying it through their policies. Trump’s rhetoric at the rally was a mix of attacking Biden’s policies and leadership, as well as promoting his own achievements and vision for the future of America. His criticism of Biden’s age and fitness for office was also a prominent theme in his speech.

Trump’s rally in Nevada came just days after the Fox News poll showing him leading Biden in a head-to-head matchup. The former president’s popularity and ability to rally his supporters were evident at the event, with thousands of Nevadans turning out to hear him speak. Despite facing legal challenges and a recent conviction, Trump’s ability to connect with his base and maintain their loyalty was on display at the rally. This indicates that Trump remains a significant force in American politics and could continue to shape the political landscape in the coming years.

The rally in Nevada was a high-energy event that showcased Trump’s ability to connect with his supporters and energize them for the upcoming elections. His criticism of the Biden administration and his promise to “make America great again” resonated with the crowd, who enthusiastically cheered him on. Trump’s message of taking on the “Biden crime family” and ending the current administration struck a chord with his supporters, who see him as a strong leader who can bring about positive change. The rally was a demonstration of Trump’s continued popularity and influence in American politics.

Overall, Trump’s rally in Nevada was a powerful display of his ability to rally his supporters and energize them for the upcoming elections. Despite facing legal challenges and a recent conviction, Trump’s base of supporters remains strong and loyal. His criticism of the Biden administration and his promise to bring about positive change resonated with the crowd, who enthusiastically cheered him on. The rally was a reminder of Trump’s impact on American politics and his ability to shape the political landscape for years to come.

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