Donald Trump recently made his first outdoor appearance since a recent assassination attempt, but instead of focusing on his personal safety, he expressed hurt feelings over being criticized by former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama during their speeches at the Democratic National Convention. Trump took offense to what he interpreted as a d–k joke made by Obama, which he felt was a personal attack. He redirected his anger towards Obama during his speech to a crowd in North Carolina, asking the crowd if he should get personal as well, to which they enthusiastically agreed.

The rally was intended to focus on national security and present a contrast to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, but Trump veered off topic to address his personal grievances. He criticized campaign officials who advised him to stick to policy, mocking them in front of the crowd. Throughout his speech, he insulted political opponents such as Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden, resorting to name-calling and personal attacks. He also continued to push the narrative that Kamala Harris is a communist, referring to her as “Comrade Kamala.”

During the rally, Trump paused to address a supporter who appeared to be in need of medical attention due to the extreme heat. Despite the interruption, he continued his speech, making inaccurate statements about military aircraft, including mentioning an F-32 plane which does not exist. His speech was characterized by his tendency to veer off script and engage in personal attacks against his political opponents, rather than focusing on policy issues as some of his allies have advised.

Vice presidential pick JD Vance also spoke at the rally, criticizing the Democratic National Convention and their attempts to appeal to “normal Americans.” He mocked their use of camouflage hats as a strategy to appeal to rural voters, expressing a defiant attitude towards the Democratic party. The rally also featured moments of Trump engaging with the crowd, asking for their opinion on whether he should get personal and receiving a positive response.

Overall, Trump’s rally in North Carolina showcased his tendency to veer off topic and engage in personal attacks against political opponents. While the event was intended to focus on national security and present a contrast to the Democratic National Convention, Trump’s speech was dominated by his personal grievances and attacks. Despite criticism from his allies for focusing less on policy, Trump doubled down on his personal attacks and mockery of campaign officials, showing a continued emphasis on personal grievances rather than policy issues.

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