Former President Donald Trump’s campaign managers have criticized the Commission on Presidential Debates for sticking to its original debate schedule despite calls from the Trump campaign to move the dates earlier and add more debates. The campaign managers extended an invitation to all television networks in America to host a debate and called on President Joe Biden’s campaign to coordinate with them to set up a debate as soon as possible. Republicans have been urging debates between Trump and Biden to take place sooner rather than later.

The Trump campaign criticized the Commission on Presidential Debates for starting the debates after millions of Americans have already cast their ballots, calling it unacceptable and a disservice to the American public. President Trump has expressed his willingness to debate Joe Biden anytime, anywhere, and anyplace, and Biden’s campaign has agreed to a debate. The Trump campaign is committed to making the debate happen, with or without the Commission, and has called on Biden’s team to work with them to set one up as soon as possible, believing that the American people deserve to hear from both candidates before voting begins.

Despite the Trump campaign’s calls for earlier debates, the Commission on Presidential Debates has stated that it will stick to its original schedule and criteria. The Commission plans to apply its criteria in early September and will extend debate invitations to qualifying candidates after that. The Commission is proceeding with production and broadcast plans at its four debate sites, as announced previously on November 20, 2023. However, the Commission has not commented on the Trump campaign’s invitation to host a debate with all television networks in America.

The Trump campaign’s criticisms of the Commission on Presidential Debates highlight the ongoing debate over when and how the presidential debates should take place. The campaign believes that debates should occur sooner to allow the American public to hear from both candidates before voting takes place. President Trump has emphasized his willingness to debate Joe Biden at any time, and the Biden campaign has also agreed to a debate. The Trump campaign is actively working to set up a debate with all television networks, regardless of the Commission’s plans.

As the debate over the presidential debates continues, both campaigns will likely continue to push for debates to take place sooner rather than later. The Trump campaign has made it clear that they are willing to organize a debate with or without the involvement of the Commission on Presidential Debates, demonstrating their commitment to ensuring that the American people have the opportunity to hear from both candidates before casting their votes. It remains to be seen how the Commission will respond to the Trump campaign’s criticisms and invitation to host a debate with all television networks in America.

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