The former President Donald Trump’s campaign team, along with the Republican National Committee and Pennsylvania GOP, opened a “Latino Americans for Trump” office in Reading, Pennsylvania. The event was attended by a mostly white crowd, with the former governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno, emphasizing the American Dream and the need for change in his remarks. The aim of the campaign is to boost support among Hispanic voters in a swing state that could have a significant impact on the election.

Reading, known for the Reading Railroad from the Monopoly gameboard, is a town with a significant Latino population, primarily of Dominican and Puerto Rican heritage. With the 2024 election approaching, Biden’s approval rating among Hispanic adults has dropped in national polls, presenting an opportunity for Trump and the Republicans to capitalize on. The Reading office opening follows a similar event in Philadelphia aimed at reaching out to Black voters, with Trump holding a rally in Las Vegas to energize Latino support.

While Trump’s campaign efforts have been criticized for perpetuating dangerous and racist stereotypes, Biden’s reelection campaign has been actively organizing and mobilizing voters in Pennsylvania, particularly those of Puerto Rican or Caribbean heritage. Despite Trump’s promises to prioritize entrepreneurship and smaller government, some residents like Yrene Rodriguez view the Republican efforts as mere propaganda. The Hispanic community in Reading, represented by business owner Luis Rodriguez and county commissioner Michael Rivera, is divided over Trump’s policies, including the controversial U.S.-Mexico border wall.

The Trump campaign’s office in Reading is located in a corporate space with signage promoting Latino support for Trump and criticizing Joe Biden. Outside the office, a table displaying Trump merchandise drew mixed reactions from passersby, with some voicing their objections while others expressed strong support for the former president. The campaign’s outreach efforts, both in Reading and across Pennsylvania, reflect a strategic approach to engaging minority voters and diversifying the Republican Party’s base.

As the election season unfolds, the battle for Hispanic votes in swing states like Pennsylvania intensifies, with both the Trump and Biden campaigns vying for support among diverse communities. The opening of the “Latino Americans for Trump” office in Reading signals a concerted effort by the Republican Party to appeal to a key demographic, despite facing criticism for its messaging and policies. Ultimately, the outcome of the election may hinge on the ability of both candidates to connect with voters from all backgrounds and rally support for their respective visions for America’s future.

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