Former President Trump recently took to his Truth Social platform to launch a scathing attack on his former Vice President Mike Pence over their differing views on abortion policy. Trump accused Pence of wavering on his stance on abortion, starting from opposing it completely to supporting abortions up to 15 weeks. This criticism seems to stem from various pro-life bills supported by Pence during his political career. Pence has consistently voiced his pro-life beliefs and opposition to abortion at any stage since his election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000.

Trump criticized Pence for receiving what he called “bad advice” from individuals like Marc Short, Pence’s former chief of staff, suggesting this is the reason for Pence’s low polling numbers. Trump also expressed his belief that Democrats are the real radicals when it comes to abortion policy, pointing to extreme measures suggested by some Democrats. The sudden and aggressive nature of Trump’s criticism towards Pence is likely a response to Pence’s recent public disapproval of Trump’s abortion policy plan, specifically his decision not to support a federal ban on abortion.

In response to Trump’s comments, Pence released a statement criticizing Trump’s change in stance on the Right to Life, calling it a “slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans.” Pence emphasized the importance of nominating and confirming conservative justices, which he believed would lead to the overturning of the Roe v. Wade ruling. Pence expressed disappointment in what he perceived as a growing willingness among Republican politicians to shy away from the fight against abortion, despite conservative efforts to uphold pro-life values.

Trump’s abortion policy plan differs from the views advocated by Pence and other pro-life conservatives, as Trump prefers states to determine their own abortion laws with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. This contrasts with the push by social conservatives to achieve a federal ban on abortion. Trump took credit for the landmark Supreme Court decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, while also acknowledging his reluctance to support federal abortion bans. This difference in approach has caused tension between Trump and pro-life conservatives, including Pence, who have remained staunch supporters of the pro-life movement.

The exchange of criticisms between Trump and Pence highlights a deepening divide within the Republican Party on the issue of abortion policy. While Trump advocates for state-level determinations on abortion laws, Pence and other pro-life conservatives continue to push for federal bans on abortion. Pence’s condemnation of Trump’s perceived retreat on the Right to Life signals a broader concern among pro-life Americans about the direction of the party’s stance on abortion. The clash between Trump and Pence reflects the ongoing debate within the Republican Party on how best to approach the divisive issue of abortion and uphold pro-life values in the face of shifting political dynamics.

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