With the first presidential debate just a week away, both President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump are preparing for the event. Biden plans to work from Camp David for several days, while Trump is engaging in informal preparations, including discussions with various advisors on key topics that are likely to come up during the debate. Despite downplaying formal preparation, Trump has been holding policy sessions and discussions with key figures.

Trump’s team has stated that his interviews and rallies serve as preparation for the debate, while they plan to push Biden on his handling of immigration and the economy during the debate. Biden, on the other hand, will be traveling to Camp David for extensive debate prep sessions, joined by top campaign staff and White House advisers. Former White House chief of staff Ron Klain is leading the prep, with other key members of the team also participating in the process.

Biden’s team wants him to show two contrasting visions for the country during the debate, especially for those who haven’t closely followed the race. Biden will be prepared to respond to attacks by Trump with strong responses and may even reference Trump as a convicted felon. However, a challenge for Biden will be if Trump remains disciplined during the entire event, making it seem like exaggeration if they are not able to counter his messaging effectively.

Trump is holding a rally in Philadelphia and will attend a fundraiser with a senior advisor before the debate. Biden is expected to remain at Camp David for several days of prep, with the possibility of staying until the day of the debate. CNN announced that Trump will get the final word in the debate, with Biden selecting the right podium position. A robust rapid response operation is being planned by Biden’s team for the night of the debate, with top surrogates on the ground in Atlanta.

Allies and potential vice presidential hopefuls will join Trump in Atlanta for a campaign watch party, including Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and others. Trump may also give potential post-debate remarks. Both candidates are gearing up for the debate that is set to take place on June 27th, with Biden focusing on contrasting visions for the country and Trump pushing on key issues such as immigration and the economy. Debate preparations are underway for both campaigns as they look to present their best case to voters.

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