Former President Donald Trump has officially embraced early voting, mail-in ballots, and absentee voting as part of the Swamp The Vote USA initiative. This marks a significant reversal from his previous criticisms of these methods and his questioning of their legitimacy. Trump is now actively promoting these non-traditional voting methods through Trump Force 47, a grassroots organizing program sponsored by the Republican National Committee. His goal is to ensure that Republicans win elections and protect the integrity of the vote by encouraging massive turnout among supporters.

In a statement, Trump emphasized the importance of using every available tool to defeat the Democrats, whom he accuses of destroying the country. He encourages supporters to vote absentee, by mail, early in-person, or on Election Day, promising to secure their ballots and make their voices heard. Trump believes that overwhelming the Democrats with a massive turnout is the key to victory, asserting that they can’t cheat if they are swamped with votes. He urges supporters to make a plan, register, and vote in any way possible to ensure their voices are heard.

The Trump campaign’s statement outlines a strategy to use personalized voter contacts to increase absentee, mail-in ballot registrations, and early in-person voting commitments. Trump Force 47 aims to mobilize supporters to participate in these non-traditional voting methods to boost Republican turnout in elections. This marks a significant shift from Trump’s previous stance on mail-in voting, where he had characterized the practice as corrupt and unreliable.

During the 2020 election, Trump had vehemently criticized mail-in voting and cast doubt on its legitimacy, particularly after President Biden emerged victorious in crucial states due to absentee and mail-in ballots. Republicans were outnumbered by Democrats in using non-traditional voting methods in that election, with a poll showing Democrats at 58% and Republicans at 32%. This disparity likely contributed to Trump’s change in strategy and newfound support for these voting methods.

The shift in attitude towards early voting and mail-in ballots had been brewing within the Republican Party for months as a strategic move to defeat President Biden. Influential figures within the party, such as Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway, had expressed support for these methods as a way to counter the Democrats’ effective campaign strategies. Trump’s campaign messaging has also focused on encouraging supporters to turn out on Election Day in overwhelming numbers to prevent any possible rigging of the results.

Overall, Trump’s endorsement of early voting, mail-in ballots, and absentee voting represents a significant departure from his previous stance on these methods. He now sees them as essential tools in the Republican arsenal to secure victories in future elections. By embracing these non-traditional voting methods and encouraging massive turnout among supporters, Trump is signaling a shift in strategy towards a more inclusive and proactive approach to election campaigning.

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