Dallas Cowboys icon Troy Aikman is known for his hardworking nature and for hating the easy way. He runs Eight, the beer company he launched in 2022 and immerses himself completely in every venture he undertakes. He would never just slap his name on a product, and attributes his success to his industrious spirit, instilled in him by his father.

Underneath his successful exterior, Aikman struggled with inner turmoil for years. He compares the journey to happiness to chasing a finish line that he wasn’t sure existed. Aikman admits to feeling embarrassed discussing the end of his second marriage, which he describes as his personal rock bottom. His intense drive for success led him to avoid contentment, which he now considers a grave mistake.

Even today, at 57, Aikman maintains a strict daily routine and intense workout regimen. He’s candid about his obsession with biohacking and staying in shape – fuelled by the belief that if he didn’t stay fit, he would feel fraudulent. Despite his age, Aikman believes he could still compete in an NFL game if necessary, thanks to his unwavering work ethic.

Throughout his career, Aikman was known for his toughness and honesty. Behind the scenes, he was equally dedicated, meticulously prepping for every game he called and never going into a game without being completely prepared. His blunt commentary style resonates with fans and is part of what has made him one of the top TV analysts in sports.

Despite his success, Aikman always felt a sense of joylessness. The end of his career left a void that Aikman found hard to fill. His intense work ethic led him to pursue various businesses in his retirement such as owning a car dealership and becoming part-owner of a NASCAR team and San Diego Padres, but it never provided the satisfaction he sought. He could not come to terms with being content, considering it a sign of weakness.

Over time, Aikman has mellowed and has come to appreciate the simpler joys in life. He’s also made a concerted effort to cultivate contentment. Despite mellowing, Aikman retains his dedicated demeanor and remains fiercely loyal. Today, he is content and at peace, understanding that triumph and struggle coexist, creating his unique journey.

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