Former tribal leader Julian Bear Runner has been convicted of six counts of wire fraud, larceny, and embezzlement after a three-day trial in South Dakota. The charges stem from Bear Runner’s alleged submission of travel vouchers for work-related travel he did not undertake while serving as president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe in 2019 and 2020. Authorities claim that Bear Runner received around $80,000 in checks for these fraudulent vouchers, which he then used for personal expenses such as gambling and hotel stays. U.S. Attorney Alison Ramsdell described Bear Runner’s actions as an abuse of power that ultimately harmed the tribe and its residents by diverting funds that could have been used for community improvements.

The federal indictment against Bear Runner highlights the serious nature of his crimes, which carry a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and three years of supervised release. While Bear Runner’s sentencing date has not yet been set, it is clear that he will face significant consequences for his actions. Bear Runner’s public defender has not commented on the case, and Oglala Sioux Tribal President Frank Star Comes Out has not responded to requests for comment. The conviction serves as a reminder of the importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that they do not use their positions for personal gain at the expense of the community.

The guilty verdict against Bear Runner has sparked outrage among tribal leaders and residents, who see it as a betrayal of trust and a stain on the reputation of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The tribe’s members have voiced their disappointment and anger at Bear Runner’s actions, which they believe have harmed the community and its residents. The case has also raised concerns about the prevalence of corruption and fraud within tribal leadership and the need for greater transparency and accountability in government operations. The conviction of Bear Runner represents a step towards addressing these issues and restoring public trust in tribal leadership.

The case has drawn attention to the broader issue of corruption and misconduct in tribal leadership, as well as the impact of such actions on the community. The conviction of Bear Runner is a stark reminder of the consequences of abusing power and betraying the trust of those who elected him to serve. As the legal process moves forward, there is hope that justice will be served and that steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The outcome of the case will also have implications for the relationship between tribal leaders and their constituents, as well as the measures taken to address and prevent corruption within tribal governments. Ultimately, the conviction of Bear Runner serves as a cautionary tale for public officials everywhere about the importance of integrity, accountability, and ethical conduct in positions of power.

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