The IEEE President and CEO attended three IEEE region meetings, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Deans and Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) Conference, the IEEE Congressional Visits Day in Washington DC, the first IEEE Life Members Conference, and visited Cuba. He discussed retaining younger members, industry engagement, and advancing technology for humanity. In Arkansas, he witnessed a total eclipse following the IEEE Region 5 meeting.

At the Region 6 meeting in Seattle, the president talked about priorities for the IEEE, including engaging with industry and promoting the organization’s mission. In Arizona, he discussed lowering the costs of technical education and the changing needs of technical professionals. The president also visited Havana, Cuba, where he engaged with technical educators and explored the use of technology to transform education globally.

After a successful visit to Arkansas and witnessing the total eclipse, the president flew to Washington DC for the Congressional Visits Day organized by IEEE-USA. He met with senators and representatives to discuss important policy topics in technology. He then traveled to Toronto for the IEEE Region 7 meeting, where he discussed membership retention and attracting younger members. The president left the meeting early to attend the first IEEE Life Members Conference in Austin, Texas, where he engaged with retired members looking to remain active in the field.

Throughout his travels, the president emphasized the importance of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, engaging with industry, and promoting education for all. He met with IEEE volunteers and discussed the organization’s priorities, including retaining younger members and exploring new opportunities with technology. The president’s visits to various regions and meetings highlighted the global impact of IEEE and the importance of collaboration in advancing technology worldwide.

Overall, the IEEE President and CEO’s travels in March and April showcased the organization’s commitment to advancing technology for humanity and engaging with industry professionals and educators worldwide. From discussing the future of education to witnessing a total eclipse and meeting with government officials in Washington DC, the president’s diverse experiences highlighted the importance of collaboration and innovation in the field of technology. The president’s engagements with IEEE members and volunteers reinforced the organization’s mission to advance technology for the benefit of humanity and to address pressing global challenges through technological innovation.

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