Travel credit cards are often touted as essential for any frequent traveler, offering benefits such as travel rewards, airport lounge access, and travel insurance. However, the author of the article argues that they would have missed out on valuable experiences without their debit card. While travel credit cards can offer a range of perks and rewards, the author suggests that having a debit card as a backup can be equally important when traveling.

The author recounts a particular experience where they were traveling in a remote area and found that their credit card was not accepted at local businesses. In this situation, having a debit card allowed them to continue their journey without any disruptions. This highlights the importance of having a backup form of payment when traveling, as not all businesses may accept credit cards, especially in remote or less developed areas.

In addition to being a backup form of payment, the author also notes that using a debit card can help with budgeting and avoiding overspending while traveling. Unlike credit cards, which allow users to spend beyond their means up to a certain limit, debit cards only allow users to spend the money they have in their account. This can be particularly helpful for travelers who want to stick to a specific budget and avoid accumulating debt while away from home.

The author also emphasizes the importance of having a debit card for emergencies while traveling. They recount a situation where they had to cover unexpected expenses due to a flight delay, and having their debit card allowed them to pay for these expenses without any issues. In situations where credit cards may not be accepted or have a limit, having a debit card can provide peace of mind knowing that there is a reliable form of payment available.

While travel credit cards offer a range of benefits and rewards, the author suggests that it is essential to have a backup form of payment, such as a debit card, when traveling. Debit cards can be particularly useful in remote areas where credit cards may not be accepted, help with budgeting and avoiding overspending, and provide a reliable option for emergencies. Ultimately, having both a travel credit card and a debit card can ensure a smoother and more stress-free travel experience.

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