Tommaso Farinam, 25, and Adrian Lafuente, 27, are two globetrotters who have spent the past 15 months traveling the world without taking a single flight. They are “sustainable explorers” who have moved between continents by hitching rides on strangers’ sailboats rather than taking planes, which emit a significant amount of CO2. The duo have each spent just $7,700 while visiting 27 different countries due to their thrifty and eco-friendly mode of transport.

Farinam and Lafuente began their global adventure last summer, traveling through Europe on a shoestring budget before spending 39 days at sea, sailing across the Atlantic to South America. They also traversed the Gulf of Panama, facing difficult conditions including storms and big waves. Despite the challenges, they are determined to continue their journey by sea, currently sailing the Pacific Ocean with the goal of reaching Australia before exploring Asia by boat.

The duo shares their story through “Project Kune”, their commitment to showing the world that traveling without taking flights is not only possible but also environmentally friendly. Through their travels, they hope to create hope for a world where humans can live in harmony with nature. Their sustainable approach to travel has allowed them to explore a wide range of countries while minimizing their impact on the environment.

Through their experiences as “boat hitchhikers”, Farinam and Lafuente have been able to meet new people and explore different cultures in a unique way. Their mode of transport has allowed them to see the world from a different perspective, emphasizing the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly travel practices. By sharing their journey online, they hope to inspire others to consider alternative modes of travel that are more environmentally conscious.

Despite facing challenges such as unfavorable winds and storms during their sea voyages, Farinam and Lafuente remain dedicated to their mission. By choosing to travel without taking flights, they have been able to reduce their carbon footprint significantly while still immersing themselves in different cultures and environments. Their commitment to sustainable travel serves as a reminder of the importance of exploring the world in a way that respects and preserves the planet.

As they continue their journey across the Pacific Ocean and beyond, Farinam and Lafuente are determined to explore new destinations without relying on flights. Their story serves as a testament to the possibilities of sustainable travel and the importance of reducing our impact on the environment. Through “Project Kune” and their online presence, they are working to inspire others to embrace more environmentally friendly travel practices and consider the impact of their transportation choices on the world around them.

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